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Prophetic Confirmation: 
"The Bible in Stone"

"I tell you that, if these (people) should hold their peace, 
the STONES would immediately cry out." (Luke 19:40)

     Indeed, as Isaiah 19 states, the Great Pyramid is a marvelous stone witness to the Lord. The striking religious symbolism of the Great Pyramid and it’s amazing corroborations of Bible prophecy and chronology have prompted the name "The Bible in Stone." 

     The following chart will illustrate this corroborative testimony. The black lines of the chart break down Bible History and prophesy. When superimposed over the passage systems of the Great Pyramid, note the amazing correspondences of history with the symbolisms of these passage systems. The Egyptian names for these passages (*) provide clues as to the symbolisms intended by the Pyramid’s architect. 

     The most important features of God’s plan were carefully written into the blue print of the Great Pyramid. These ages are not arbitrarily drawn, but precise measurements of the chambers and passageways coincide inch by inch (pyramid inch = one year) with man’s history as detailed by the Bible.

Click on Pyramid Passages 
for further information and pictures.


The Present Evil World
This is the "night of weeping" from which all men groan to be released. (Rom. 8:19, 22; 2 Pet. 3:6-13) There is some righteousness in the world, but evil predominates.
Back to Chart Above.

Air Passages
Symbolizing that life will be provided for all men on earth (see Queen’s Chamber) and faithful followers of Christ in heaven (see King’s Chamber).
Back to Chart Above.

The Air Passage 
in the Queen's Chamber 
opened in 1872.

Grand Gallery
"Hall of Truth in Light"*
28 feet high, 155 feet long, but only 6 feet wide. Its steep, narrow, but vaulted climb symbolizes the privileges and difficulties of the "narrow way to life" which Christ’s faithful followers walk at the present time and throughout the Christian Age. It leads to the King’s Chamber, which represents heaven.
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Looking into Grand Gallery from end of First Ascending Passage

First Ascending Passage
"Hall of Truth in Darkness"*
Only the Great Pyramid has ascending passages, making it unique among any of the other pyramids. The first of the Great Pyramid’s upward passages represents the promise of life given to all Jews who could keep the law. It is blocked at its lower end by an immovable 50-ton granite plug. Granite in the Great Pyramid symbolizes that which is divine. Thus, the granite plug demonstrates that none could gain life during the Jewish age because none could keep the perfect requirements of the divine law.
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Wide Angle View of Granite Plug blocking Ascending Passage from Descending Passage

Examining low end of Granite Plug from Descending Passage

Descending Passage
"The Descent"*
A slippery, downhill passage, Jesus called it the "Broad Way" to destruction. (Matt. 7:13) All men have traveled this path toward death, but all men will gain a complete opportunity for life through Christ in the resurrection.
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Looking up Descending Passage 
toward steel gate 300' away.

Looking down Descending Passage

Looking down Descending Passage with  candlelight.

The Well
"Well of Life"*
Not really a well, but a way of escape from death to life for those in the lower reaches of the Pyramid. It symbolizes Christ, whose death as a ransom sacrifice will provide a sway of escape for all–even those in the "pit" of death.
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The Well Shaft.

Looking up Well Shaft.

The Pit
"Chamber of the Ordeal"*
Its sides and ceiling are finished, but its floor is unfinished and extremely uneven. Thus, it is "bottomless." This symbolizes the condition of death. All men will be raised from the dead by Christ with a fresh opportunity for life. Job 33:24; Acts 24:15
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August Tornquist looking down
Shaft into Pit Room.

The Pit Room

King’s Chamber
"Open Tomb of Resurrection"*
With granite walls and life-sustaining air passages, the King’s Chamber is the largest and most beautiful room. It is symbolic of divine life–immortality–the condition of Christ’s faithful followers in heaven. There they will rule and bless mankind. Rev. 20.6
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The Coffer in the King's Chamber.

Fish-eye View of 
King's Chamber

Queen’s Chamber
"Chamber of Regeneration"*
This large chamber symbolizes the everlasting home for all men upon the earth. After they reach perfection in Christ’s Kingdom, "there will be no more death, neither sorrow, crying, nor pain." Rev. 21:4
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Fish-eye View of
Queen's Chamber 

Horizontal Passage
6/7 of its length is cramped and low, and the last 1/7 has room for a man to walk upright. This symbolizes 6,000 years of "night of weeping" followed by a 1,000-year Sabbath rest and refreshing, which God promised his human family. Isa. 26:9; 35:1-10
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Todd Alexander in short Horizontal Passage 
just before Pit Room.

Looking into the Horizontal Passage from Queen's Chamber showing the Step.

The World to Come...
Wherein dwelleth righteousness. This is the "morning of joy" for which all men pray when they utter the words, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth..." The first 1,000 years of this endless age is set aside in God’s plan for the restoring of man and the conquering of sin and death. Acts 3:19-21; 1 Cor. 15:25
Back to Chart Above.


A "Witness Pointing to Jesus"

In the Scriptures, Christ Jesus is likened to the head cornerstone of a pyramid. Usually, the cornerstone is at the base of a building, however, with a pyramid, the cornerstone is the top stone, and all other stones must conform to it, so that the final structure itself looks exactly like the top-stone. A pyramid is the only structure which offers this unique feature. The crowning feature of God’s Kingdom fulfilled will be Christ, the acknowledged Head over all–its top stone. Each symbolic stone will be fitly framed into the glorious building. That it does represent Christ is indicated, not only by its exact fitness as a symbol of Christ, but also by numerous references to the symbol by prophets, apostles and by our Lord Jesus himself.

Isaiah 28:16 refers to Christ as the "precious cornerstone." Zechariah 4:7 refers to its placement at the top of the completed edifice, with great rejoicing, saying, "He shall bring forth the headstone..." The Prophet David, too, refers to our Lord, and uses a figure of speech exactly corresponding to that of this stone "witness" of Egypt. He says, prophetically, from the standpoint of the future, "The stone which the builders rejected is become the head-cornerstone. " (Psa.118:22-24)

Our Lord applied this very prophecy to himself, showing that he was the rejected stone, and that Israel rejected him, under the leadership of their priests and Pharisees. Matt. 21:42-44; Acts 4:11) This is especially appropriate, because the Great Pyramid has no top-stone, nor has one ever been found.

The pyramid figure represents perfection and completeness, and speaks to us in symbol of the plan of God, showing that "in the dispensation of the fulness of times, he will gather together [into one harmonious family, though on different planes of being], under one Head, all things in heaven and on earth, under Christ"–all not being conformable being cut off. Eph. 1:10; 2:20-22–Diaglott

Great Pyramid Photo Gallery


Photo Gallery Courtesy of Todd N. Alexander and S. G. Gowryluk.
All photographs copyrighted 12/1/2001.


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