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"And except
those days should
be shortened,
there should
no flesh be saved;
but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened."
Matthew 24:22


Christ will be
the General
of Jehovah.

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God has
certain laws
in harmony
with which
He operates.
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The "time of trouble" will be
the natural consequence of unrighteousness.


The world
has disregarded God’s counsel.


The "voice of avarice"
--Get all you can...

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The selfish, stony heart 
of man
will become
a heart 
of flesh.

How did the
change from God-like love
to selfishness
come about?

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Sustenance became the principal aim
and interest 
of life.

The veil of ignorance and superstition is now being lifted.

Wealth brings
many evils and some blessings.

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As people take advantage of educational facilities, they
begin to think
for themselves.

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There has been
a growing
opposition between
the wealthy
and labor.

Capital vs. Labor

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The increase of
knowledge and
liberty brings
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Destruction of
Jerusalem - 
70 A.D.
A picture of trouble upon Christendom

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Egypt = World
To receive plagues

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Babylon = Nominal Church
To be overthrown and destroyed

ISTemple2.jpg (8529 bytes)
Israel = Justified World
To receive blessings of reconciliation 
with God

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"Behold, the hire of the laborers 
who have reaped down your fields, 
which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth;

"And the cries of them which have reaped 
are entered unto the ears 
of the Lord of Sabaoth." James 5:4

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Bread Line NYC

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4 Million Jobless

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Soup Line


shall cast
their silver
in the streets,
and their gold
shall be

"Their silver
and their gold
shall not be able
to deliver them
in the day
of the wrath
of the LORD..."
Ezekiel 7:19

The trouble involves
all classes.

Czar.jpg (7431 bytes)
March 1917
Czar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates

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November 1917

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Bolshevik4.jpg (18643 bytes)

BerlinWall2.jpg (50094 bytes)
November 10, 1989
Berlin Wall,
symbol of Communist
oppression, comes down

Ceausescu.jpg (22291 bytes)
December 25, 1989
Communist Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu executed

"For then will I turn to the people a pure language,
that they may
all call upon the name of the LORD,
to serve him with one consent."
Zephaniah 3:9

Bible10HandsA.jpg (2600 bytes) The fire
of God’s zeal
is symbolic,
a literal fire.
in Scripture.
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Mountains = Kingdoms

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Heavens =
Spiritual Powers

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Earth = 

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Seas = 
Masses of People

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Fire = Destruction

Brimstone = Deadly Destruction

"World That Was"
Social Order
before the Flood

Temple of God
True Church

Noah's Ark

Present Heavens
and Earth
Present Ecclesiastical and Social Order

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The symbolic
and earth
will pass away
in the great trouble.

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"...the earth
for ever."
Ecclesiastes 1:4

"Nevertheless we, according to his promise, 
look for new heavens and a new earth, 
wherein dwelleth righteousness."
II Peter 3:13

and oppression
will be entirely consumed.
Symbolic fire
will utterly destroy every error.

Gold, Silver and Precious Gems symbolize Divine Truths and Corresponding Character

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A storm symbolizes the trouble
of the Day of the Lord.

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A dark night
of trouble
will precede the glorious brightness of the kingdom
of righteousness.

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The Psalmist David vividly describes 
this Day
of Trouble.

"God is our refuge and strength, 
a very present help in trouble.

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Therefore will not we fear, 
though the earth be removed, 
and though the mountains 
be carried into the midst of the sea;

Sea3.jpg (6339 bytes)
Though the waters thereof 
roar and be troubled,

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Though the mountains shake 
with the swelling thereof. Selah."
Psalms 46:1-3

The Book of Revelation is a symbolical prophecy.

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out of
His Mouth

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Kings of Earth
Make War

Rev19C.jpg (18599 bytes)
Beast cast into
a lake of fire.

The variety of symbols helps us appreciate 
the various features 
of the 
Day of the Lord.

Pride on the one side-- Ignorance and bigotry
on the other

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The two rival parties --
and poverty

The wealthy
feel a right
to the fruit
of their efforts.

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Artisan and
the laborer

should be
to others.

Both labor
and capital
have benefited
from increased
  knowledge and

The organization
of labor.

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One invention has followed another 
very rapidly.


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Machinery enables 
one man to accomplish
as much as many did formerly

Over-production and

inflation --


Management proposes

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The great railroad systems

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Wage Workers organize for reform.

What causes the great trouble
of the "Day of Jehovah"?

The melting
of society
A government which will enforce the principles of righteousness Those who seek righteousness will suffer less
from fear and foreboding.
Society weakens with each new spasm of trouble.
Labor pangs
in the birth
of a new era
The Day of Trouble
is right on time -- God’s due time.
Had the
knowledge come sooner,
the trouble
would have come sooner.
is unable
to adjust
to new
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Mtn9.jpg (17974 bytes) "Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment;
seek righteousness,
seek meekness:
it may be ye shall be hid in the day
of the LORD’s anger."
Zephaniah 2:3
is widespread.
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Rich2.jpg (33289 bytes)

Farmers2.jpg (2827 bytes)

"In the sweat
of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
till thou return unto the ground."
Genesis 3:19


of the world
at the hands
of one
greater than

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"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalms 91:1

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"He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings
shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler."
Psalms 91:4

Provide things decent
and needful,


The saints
should take
no part
in the


"Let your
be without
and be content
such things
as ye have..."
Hebrews 13:5

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of the Kingdom -- Ambassadors
of Peace

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The Kingdom
at hand
is the only
and hope.

The eminent Kingdom...

"Be still, and know
that I am God:
I will be exalted
among the heathen,
I will be exalted
in the earth."
Psalms 46:10

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