Few find the "narrow way" to life today.
The "highway of holiness" will be available for all.
The downward path is becoming more glazed and slippery with sin.
For 6,000 years, sin and death have reigned relentlessly.
Jesus called the new way the "narrow way to life."
Because of its narrowness, many prefer to avoid it.
The divine nature is life independent, unlimited, exhaustless.
What is life?
Jehovah is the great fountain of all life.
The sun is the fountain of light to the earth.
Man does not possess inherent life.
Man is to have his beauty restored.
Divine nature was originally the possession of God.
The Church class is to be raised with spiritual bodies.
The Gospel Age is designated exclusively for this call.
The rugged, steep, narrow way of the Christian
The difficulties of the narrow way are a separating principle, refining the people of God.
Garden of Gethsemane
The Narrow Way is a pathway of sacrifice and "Gethsemane" experiences.
Righteousness will finally receive its due reward.
Broad Road
Highway of Holiness
Narrow Way
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