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Restitution –
the logical result
of the ransom.

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The ransom guarantees
every man
an opportunity
for life.


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The Adamic trial -
"As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive."
I Cor. 15:22

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The ransom releases the sinner from the first condem- nation.

Christ gave himself a ransom for all – so that he might bless all.

Prior experience with evil will be a great advantage during the new trial.

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The fall has not injured all of Adam’s children alike.


The trials of the Church and of the world are different.

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Very few enjoy the benefits of the ransom now, but eventually all will.

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Extinction of life
is the penalty
of sin.

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The promise is still sure –
all shall be blessed in the times of restitution.
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Abraham’s son, Isaac, typified Christ Jesus.

Abraham and Isaac

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Jesus gave a full satisfaction 
for all men.

Our penalty is paid for us through Christ.
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"He is risen."

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The doctrine of eternal torture is inconsistent with the Scriptures and the understanding of the Ransom.

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The redemption through Christ
is to be
as far-reaching as the sin of Adam.


Each for himself will have a full chance to prove, by obedience
or disobedience, his worthiness
or unworthiness
of life everlasting.

If all the dead were resurrected, 
would there be enough room on the earth?

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If everyone who ever lived
were put in the U.S.A. ...
     "X" acres/person
     "X" sq. miles/person
     "X" sq. ft/person

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6,000 years since creation =   60 centuries

     33 years/generation
=     3 generations/century

     60 centuries
x     3 generations
= 180 generations
          since creation

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27,878,400 sqft per mile

x 237,000 sq. miles in Texas

= 6,607,180,800,000 sq. ft.
    in Texas

1,400,000,000 people
           on the earth now
x  180 generations
=  252,000,000,000
           total people that
           ever lived
           on the earth

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    Using 10 sq. ft. for each
    person in a cemetery:

     6,607,180,800,000 sq. ft.
     in the state of Texas
    divided by 10
= 660,718,080,000
    people in a cemetery

Nearly 3 times the exaggerated total people that ever lived
could have 10 sq. ft standing room  in Texas!


Was primeval man lacking
in intelligence?

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Did Adam
fall upward?

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Scientific research is not

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The Brain Age learns from
past ages.

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Logic and law of past ages is the embodiment of marvelous wisdom.

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Ancient manufacturing methods
defy duplication.

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The amazing
Great Pyramid

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The mental capacity of today is not greater than that of the past.

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Only a small number of men are of great brain power or genius.

are often made
by "accident."

Modern inventions 
indicate sharper perception and
increased education,
but NOT increased
brain capacity.


In the time of the end knowledge shall be increased.  Daniel 12:4

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Information Explosion
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Labor Saving Devices in the Home      
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"Many shall run 
to and fro"

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"Knowledge shall be increased"
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"A time of trouble 
such as never was"

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Their selfishness now holds sway over all.

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The poor
are poorer.

will have 
a full appreciation of the 
The increase
of knowledge
is producing
predicted time of trouble.
The day 
of trouble will end
in due time.
Men will see God’s compassion and love.

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