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"...the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory
shall be seen
upon thee."
Isaiah 60:2


God’s great plan required ages for its accomplishment -- another age
will be required to complete it.

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While God seems to have forgotten his creatures, his plan for their future blessing
has been silently, but grandly, working out.

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A glad day for the world,
will be when the Church becomes the Bride


"They shall not hurt nor destroy
in all my holy mountain:
for the earth shall be full
of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea."
Isaiah 11:9

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"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28


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If you HAVE consecrated all your time,
all your talents,
to the Lord:
the question is, How much of it ARE you giving?


The truth will beget such a love for God and His plan
that it will become the all-absorbing theme of life.

Are you willing
to follow the Lord through evil
and good report? Are you willing
to forsake all,
to follow as
He may lead?

Quickened to
fresh zeal and fervent spirit.

The Divine Plan -- in perfect harmony with God’s character--
is a marvelous display of wisdom, justice, love
and power.

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Lift up the light!
Lift up a standard for the people!


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