Isaiah 25:1 |
Vol. 10.03
May-June 2018 |
– The News of Life. Obadiah 21
Prepare the
Table, Watch in the Watchtower, Eat, Drink ...
Isaiah 21:5 |
This is a monthly Christian
Newsletter and hereby state the object of its publication: That we are living in
the last days — the end of the
Gospel age; as well as the dawning of the long prayed for Kingdom of Christ in
power; are facts not only discernible by the close Student of the word, led by
the Spirit; but the outward signs recognizable by the world, bear the same
testimony: And we are desirous that the “household of Faith” be fully awake. Not
only help awaken but to assist them to “put on the whole Armor of God that they
may be able to stand in this evil day”. And beside all this, that giving all
diligence, they add to their Faith, Virtue, and to virtue, Knowledge,
Self-control, Patience, Godliness, brotherly Kindness, and Love; whom trust in
the merit of Christ’s Sacrifice for the world. Luke 21:36; Matt. 6:10; Eph.6:13;
2 Peter 1:4-11
We encourage the sincere and honest
ones, sensing the demands of the hour, to subscribe for this free monthly
publication, stating clearly their addresses. Given the Newsletter is free,
subscription fee is the exact cost of postage (stamp and envelope) by Uganda
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Kenya sh.900, Tanzania sh.14,200 and Rwanda F.10,800.
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Rev 19:7-9:
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him:
for the Marriage of the Lamb is come,
and his Wife hath made herself ready.
(8) And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and
for the fine linen is the Righteousness of Saints.
(9) And he saith unto me, write,
Blessed are they which are called unto
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
And he saith unto me,
These are the true sayings of God.”
In the previous newsletter study, we examined the Lord’s statements regarding
the day of his presence — “I tell you, in that night [before the day
has fully dawned, yet a part of that day has begun] there will be two in a bed;
one will be taken, and the other left. Two will be grinding together, the one
will be taken, and the other left.” Luke 17:34-35 — Diaglott
The disciples inquired where they would be
taken, and
Jesus answered: “Where the body is, there will the eagles be
assembled.” The ones
taken from
the bed and from grinding are likened to eagles. They live high up above the
world, in the mountains, far-seeing, having eyes adapted to looking at the
light. How beautifully they represent the intelligently earnest Christians. What
causes the assembling together of the eagles from various quarters? It is
hunger! They see the prey — the food — a long way off — and the food attracts
First will be their gathering together
to their Lord, as he promised, John 14:3, “And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you
may be also.” Then follows the subject of our study
“The Marriage of the Lamb.”
When we consider the taking of Elijah, who pictures the Church in
the flesh, we see that there were two events. First, Elijah was first parted
from Elisha by a chariot of fire and horses of fire. Second, Elijah went up into
heaven by a whirlwind. The first pictures the Church in the flesh being
separated from others because of their stand for Truth. The second pictures when
the Church are taken to heaven and will be seen no more on earth. This is in
harmony with the statement in 2 Kings 2:11,12. When Elijah went up into heaven
and the Lord spoke face to face with him, he was no longer seen on earth.
When the Church ceases to appear in the
flesh, it will be when the glorification of the whole Church takes place. This
is in harmony with Jesus, our forerunner. He was a spiritual body, and for forty
days at times he appeared to his followers. But when Jesus ascended into heaven
(Acts 1:11) and was seen no more, then he was glorified. The Church class will
come to a time when the Temple is to be filled with smoke from the glory of God.
We find this will take place just before the pouring out of the seven plagues.
Rev. 15:8
“And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his
power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues
of the seven angels were fulfilled.”
This glorification of all of the
Church will be at “the Marriage of the Lamb.” We are to be changed, that we may
become like His glorious body.
Phil. 3:20-21 —
“For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour,
the Lord Jesus Christ: (21) Who shall change our vile body, that it may be
fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he
is able even to subdue all things unto himself,”
and “if so be that we suffer with Him, then we may also be glorified
together with Him.”
— Rom. 8:17.
The Church’s glorification together with Christ when made one
with him in the fullest sense will follow their spiritual resurrection. This
will be when we shall be exalted to his throne and sit with him. Jesus cannot
appear with us in glory until we are glorified with him. In Matt. 25:31-40,
when the Son of Man shall
come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the
throne of his glory. We will be with him on the throne, hence the glory and our
being on the throne are associated, but we can be spiritual bodies without the
glory, and be before the throne.
This same thought, viz.:
first the change and then the glorification, or marriage, is also shown in the
type of Isaac and Rebecca. When she lifted up her eyes and saw Isaac, it shows
our change. We see Christ when like him. But when Isaac took Rebecca into his
mother Sarah's tent, and she became his wife (Gen. 24:67)
which was after they met, it pictures when the Temple would be glorified and
Church becomes Christ’s wife.
The thought that the glorification is the marriage and not the
change to spiritual bodies is further confirmed by the following: Jesus ascended
to heaven unglorified. (John
He was to come in like manner, (Acts 1:11),
and when the Church sees him it will be before they are glorified, represented
by Rebecca’s seeing Isaac. But when the Church is glorified together with him,
it would be shown by Isaac’s taking Rebecca and making her his wife. Then the
Church would go in with Christ to the marriage. This is progressive: first, into
a condition for the resurrection change; second, from that into glory with
The Temple is filled with glory just before the pouring out of
the seven plagues, and that is when the Church is called the bride, viz.: when
glorified. (See Rev. 21:9-11.)
Then came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the
seven last plagues, [Full? Yes!] saying, come hither, I will show thee the
bride, the Lamb’s wife. He showed me the Holy Jerusalem. Having the glory of
God, etc. Here is when glorified the Church is called the bride. Hence this must
be at the time or after the Temple is filled with glory.
The glorification and
exaltation of the bride to the throne seems to be the main difference between
the little flock and the great multitude, the servants. They certainly get
spiritual life, but apparently do not have the glory of the bride. The city was
lightened by the Temple for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of
it, and the glory of those [the Temple] did lighten it (the city). (Rev.
Then the city will be the light of the nations. (Verse
In order to fully understand this matter and harmonize the
various scriptures, it seems necessary to recognize the difference between one
change (when we are made spiritual bodies) and the glorification of those
spiritual bodies. This thought seems suggested by the building of the Temple by
Solomon. The preparation of the stones and timbers seems to be the work done
during the Gospel Age, from Pentecost to the second advent. (1 Kings 5:18)
The building of the
Temple is something different. It was built of stone prepared before brought to
place of building, so that there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of
iron heard in the house while it was being built. (1
Kings 6:7)
This shows the noiseless resurrection of the dead in Christ and change of the
living, both classes being resurrected to spiritual bodies. It was,
however, after the temple was built that the glory of the Lord filled the House
of the Lord. (1
Kings 8:11)
Hence, if the building shows the change of dead and living to spiritual bodies,
then the glorification must be something different from the change. Again, the
fact that the Temple was built and then glorified rather proves that all of the
Church, dead and living, will be made spiritual bodies before any are glorified.
This would be in harmony with Rev. 15:1-8.
The seven angels, clothed in pure and white linen (righteousness
of the saints,
Rev. 19:8)
and having their breasts girded with golden girdles (verse
seem to represent the overcoming church complete, the dead being raised, and the
living being changed. If so, we find these on the sea of glass condition (before
the throne), singing a song (making a proclamation) before they are glorified —
exalted to the throne. When on the sea of glass, they are spiritual bodies,
hence the Temple is built before it is filled with glory. This sea of glass or
spiritual body condition, we believe, will happen before long, while the
glorification or final exaltation of the saints will not take place for some
time afterwards. Let us watch and be sober. Let us assemble ourselves together,
and so much the more, as we see the day (time) approaching.
REIGN OF CHRIST – The SEED of Abraham:
The Church shall Reign here in the Earth as Kings and Priests of
God for a 1,000 years — Rev. 20:6; 5:9-10! This Reign involves blessing the
other people of the earth as they cannot be Priests to animals — goats, lions,
dogs, fish. This is clearly stated that they will bless humanity and only after
the Marriage of the Lamb of God or their union.
Rev. 22:17 — “And
the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And
let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of
life freely.”
We see clearly that after the Union of the Church with her Lord,
the Marriage of the Lamb is accomplished, then they together will bless or call
others and give them the “Water of Life freely”!
Remember the Other False Calling: the blessed true members of the
Church go to heaven, but the rest of the people who are not qualified
automatically go to Hell Fire or Purgatory. Hence, the earth remains empty and
the rest of the people are destroyed. Of course, this is the hope and calling
given by another clever person (deceiver) but not God. God has clearly stated
the work or purpose of His Church — to bless all the families of earth who are
not part of the Church and that will be after the Resurrection of all mankind
(Gen. 22:15-18).
Look at what various churches are teaching: if all unbelievers go
to hell, and the Church goes to heaven, then who will the true Church teach or
bless or give the Waters of Life freely? Will the Church with her Lord give
Waters of life to Animals? Will the Church be Priests to goats, leopards, lions,
or snakes? Who will they reign over here on the earth as Scriptures state?
The True Hope of our Calling is to be partners (Joint-heirs) with
Jesus Christ in blessing the families of the earth during a 1,000-year reign of
Messiah. We are invited to be Priests of God here on the earth, give the Waters
of Life to mankind and bring everyone to the knowledge of Truth, hence
If all unbelievers of this present time and those before Jesus’
time are lost in hell fire, then there will be no need to give Waters of Life,
no need for priests on the earth after the resurrection. Hence, the Calling of
God becomes void and will never happen! The LORD guaranteed this service or
blessing in the earth by Seed of Abraham or Christ by an OATH:
Psa. 110:4 —
“The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after
the order of Melchizedek.”
The Lord foresaw the situation of His People in various man-made
churches, sometimes referred to by scriptures as Babylon. The Lord has a simple
call to such a one, thus:
Rev. 18:2-4 — “And he cried mightily with a strong voice,
saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation
of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean
and hateful bird.
(3) For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the
merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
(4) And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of
her plagues.”
Please take the opportunity offered for a Free Bible Study Course
by correspondence, and do not hesitate to contact us.
Okubikk. 19:7-9
“Kale Tusanyuuke, Tugyaguze, Awebwe Ekitiibwa Mukama; Kuba Embaga Y’Omwana
Gw’Endiga Etuuse, era N’Omugole y’Etegeese Bulungi nnyo. Era Omugole
n’Ayambazibwa Bafuta ennungi, etangalija ng’Omuzira ….. N’agamba nti Wandiika
nti “Ba Mukisa abayitidwa Ku Mbaga y’Omwana Gw’Endiga”
Mu katobo kaffe akayita, twalaba nti Mukama waffe Yesu yategeeza ebinaberawo mu
kudda kwe –
“Mbagamba nti Mu kiro ekyo babiri baliba ku kitanda kimu; Omu alitwalibwa,
n’omulala alirekebwa – Luka 17:34 Abakazi babiri baliba nga baseera (oburo)
wamu; omu alitwalibwa, n’omulala alirekebwa (Luka 17:35)”.
Abayigirizwa n’ebabuza nti nga batwalibwa wa? Yesu n’adamu nti, awaba omulambo,
Ensega we zikunnganira – Luka 17:37. Ensega zibeera wa ggulu era zirengera wala,
ziraba mangu ekitangala. Kano kaboneero kalungi akalaga abakkiriza. Era
ekikunnganya esenga y’emmere weri. Bino bya kutuukirira nga: Yesu wali kyama,
abali waggulu ku nju batwalibwa nga enju tenagwa, Obudde obw’ekiro nga Olunaku
lw’enkya mulindwa lunateera (naye ekiro ky’olunaku mulindwa), abatwalibwa
balinga ensega, era emmere weri ensega weziraga, bw’ekityo abo abanoonya amazima
bakunganiira awali ekibakusa era ne begata n’abo abagala Amazima – ne balya
Oluvanyuma nga Yesu amaze Okukunganya Abalonde be nga bw’eyateegeza mu Yokkana
14:3 – Era oba nga nngenda okubateekerateekera ekifo, ndikomawo nate ne mbatwala
gye ndi; Nze gye ndi, nammwe mubeere eyo; Olwo Embaga Y’Omwana gw’Endiga
mulindwa n’etuka, era gwe Musomo gwaffe lero!
Bwe tutunulira ekifananyi kya Nabbi Eliya ne Erisa tuyiga bingi. Tulaba nti
Okutwalibwa kwa Eriya kw’atandikka nga Amagali g’omuliro wamu n’embalasi
z’omuliro zawula Eriya ne Erisa; Olwo Eriya, Omuyaga ogw’amanyi ne gumutwala mu
bire. Tulaba nti okweyawula kw’Eriya okuva ku Erisa kiraga okwa wulibwa
kw’Ekkanisa naye nga tukyali mu mubiri; Wabula okutwalibwa kwa Eriya mu Ggulu
kulaga okukyusibwa kwaffe okuva mu mubiri guno oguvunda, era obutalabika nate –
2 Bassekabaka 2:11,12 !
Bw’etuva mu mubiri guno/ tukyusidwa, olwo Okwambazibwa Ekitiibwa n’ekutuuka era
nga bwe gwali ne Mukama waffe. Wano we wali Yekkalu ya Mukama okugyuzibwa Omukka,
era Ekitiibwa kya Mukama, ne wataba muntu n’omu ayingira Yekkalu – Okubikk.15:8.
Yekkalu okujula Omukka, Oba Ekkanisa Okwmbazibwa Ekitiibwa, y’Embaga y’Omwana
gw’Endiga! Tukyusibwa okusobola okufanana ng’Omubiri gw’ekitibwa kya Mukama
waffe – Abaffiripi 3:21. Ate nti bwe tubonabonera awamu, era tulyoke tuwerwe
wamu Ekitiibwa (Abar.8:17).
Embaga eno ey’Omwana gw’Endiga, kwe kuweebwa awamu ekitiibwa era okutula kuntebe
eyekitiibwa wamu naye, okutandiika okufuga n’okusalira Omusango amawanga --
Matayo 25:31-40. Okusooka okukyusibwa nga Ekkanisa tenawebwa kitiibwa oba
okugatibwa ne Bba (Embaga y’Omwana gw’Endiga); Kyeeraga mu kifananyi ky’okuwasa
kwa Isaaka – Omugole Rebbecca, yasooka ku gyako kitambala ku mutwe n’alengeera
Isaaka (Ekiraga okukyusibwa kwaffe), oluvanyuma ne yegatta ne Isaaka era ne
bayingira enyumba, olwo Embaga n’etuuka (Olube.24:67)! Kino kiraga lwatu
Okukyusibwa kwaffe nga Embaga tenaba, n’oluvanyuma Embaga!
Tutunulira Okuzimba Yekkalu ya Mukama omuduwe Solomoni. Kino ky’ongeera
okukakasa nti Okyukyusibwa kw’Ekkanisa okuba nga bamalayika kwe kusooka, olwo
okukuzibwa mu kitiibwa ne kudirira era y’Embaga. Amayinja ag’omuwendo n’emiti
emirungi bye byasooka okunganyizibwa, ne bitekebwateekebwa Kabaka Daudi nga
okuzimba tekunaba – 1 Bassekabaka 3:18. Olwo, Yekkalu n’ezimbwa oluvanyuma
Kabaka Solomoni nga tewali jambiya oba nnyodo evuga (Amayinja n’emiti buli kimu
mu kifo kyakyo) – 1 Bassekabaka 3:7.
Kino kiraga – Okuva ku Penticoti, Amayingya g’Ekkanisa galondebwa, gategekebwa
era galongosebwa (kinomu nga bwe tusoma mu 1 Petero 2:5) okutusa kati era nga
nga tulindiirira ku kyusibwa kwa bonna kinomu, olwo Yekkalu ezimbibwe mu
Kuzukiira kw’olubereberye (Okuzimba era okyukyusibwa). Kino nga kiwedde, olwo
Yekkalu (emaze okuzimbibwa) ejule Omukka gw’ekitiibwa kya Katonda, era Y’Omugole
ne Bba okuwebwa Ekitiibwa – “Embaga y’Omwana gw’Endiga” – Okubikk.15:1-8 !
Nti Kristo wa kufuga wano ku nsi nga ba Kabaka era ba Kabonna okumala emyaka
lukumi. Kino kya kubaawo oluvanyuma lw’okuzukkira era n’Embaga y’Omwana
gw’Endiga (Okubikk.20:6, 5:9-10). Obanga Ekkanisa (Omugole) ne Bba(Yesu)
bakufuga nga Bakabonna ba Katonda ku nsi, kale banaba ba Kabonna ba nte oba
mbuzi? nkoko oba misota? Kuba enjigiriza egamba nti ekkanisa egenda mu ggulu,
abasigadewo mu ggeyena, kiraga nti tewali kigendererwa ky’okuyitibwa kwe Kkanisa!
Ebyawandiikibwa bikakasa nti Ezadde oba Ekkanisa wamu ne Bba wayo bakuwa omukisa
abantu bonna abalala mu nsi, kino kye kisubizo era omugaso gwe Zzadde lino –
Bwe tusoma mu Okubikk.22:17 “Omwoyo n’Omugole bayita nti jjangu, n’awulira ayita
nti jjangu, bwatyo alina enyotta atwale AMAZI ag’obulamu buwa”! Kino kikakasa
nti oluvanyuma lw’embaga y’Omwana gw’Endiga, Abagole mbobi ba kuwa abantu
Omukisa gw’okufuna obulamu obutagwawo, g’emazi og’obulamu. Bano tebayita nte oba
mbuzi oba misota oba byenyanja nga engyigiriza enkyamu bweri nti abantu bonna
bagenda mu geyeena abatasobola kugenda mu ggulu ! Wabula bayita bantu, kye
kirayiro kya Katonda mu Olub.22:18, ne Zzabuli 110:4 !
Kale amakkanisa oba abakkiriza bonna abalina ekigendererwa ekirara oba
okuyitibwa okulala, kabonero akalaga nti tebaberanga mu Kkanisa ntufu songa
n’omulyango oguyingira tebagulabanga nakatono !!! Kino, ky’ekiri nti essubi
ly’okuyitibwa kw’Ekkanisa entufu liri limu! Mukama n’ayongeera n’alayira ku
nsonga eno mu Zabuli 110:4 -- Nti Ekkanisa ne Bba wayo banabera ba Kabonna ba
Katonda eri abantu oluvanyuma lw’okuzukkira !
Mukama n’ategeeza nti mu dduke, mufulume amakkanisa ago gemuzudde nti tegali mu
kuyitibwa kwa Mukama, nga ne baibuli egayita babuloni (bakavuyo kangi) –
Okubikk.18:1-4 “….. kigudde kigudde ekibuga Babuloni, kuba kifuuse ekisulo kye
ebinyonyi ebibi, ….. n’amawanga gonna ne gatamira omwenge gw’obwezi bwakyo …..
Mukifulumemu abantu bange muleme okugabana ku mpera y’ekibi kyakyo”.
Kale nga bwetulabye wagulu, kyetagisa okufuna n’okumanya amazima, aga buli kintu
okusinga engyigiriza entufu oba ey’amazima. Amazima Katonda yagawa okusobola
okulongosa n’okutukuza abamukkiriza (Yokkana 17:17) era n’okutekebwako akabonero
mu byenyi by’abakkiriza ne ku mikono gyabwe! Wetwalire Omusomo gwa baibuli nga
osomera ewuwo ate nga gwabwerere. Tutukirire ku ndagiriro eri mu Katabo kano!

“A Plan of Ages, which he formed for the
ANOINTED Jesus our Lord”
— Eph. 3:11, Emp. Diag.
“Write down the Vision and make it plain upon tables that every
one may read it fluently.”
— Hab. 2:2-3 L.T.
The 3 Worlds
— 2 Peter 3:5-13
to All Christians from all
GWA BAIBULI nga gwabwerere!
You can write to us or Call us:
Uganda Bible Students,
P.O. Box 28734 Kampala,
(+256) 0753 116 202 /
0776 116202
Or 0782 318 033
FIND THE TRUTH ! … John 17:17
Math.25:6: “Behold the Bridegroom …”
1. Why does God permit Evil/ Satan to do
(Lwaki Katonda owekisa aleka Satan okukola
2. The Most Holy Faith — the Faith which was
delivered to all Saints.
(Okukkiriza okutukuvu enyo - Okwaweebwa
abatukuvu ba Katonda.)
The study of Bible Covenants.
(Okuyiga Endagaano Za Katonda mu baibuli)
Church History— The Seven Churches and
Seven Angels; Rev. 2
(Ekanisa Omusanvu ne
Bamalayika baazo Musanvu
Okubikkulirwa 2)
The Armageddon & The End of the World.
(Olutalo ddekabusa era
olwenkomerero y’ensi)
Tongues, Miracles, Visions and Prophesying.
(Ebyamagero, Okulabikirwa, Okwogera mu nnimi
era n’Obwanabbi)
The TRUE Christian Baptism!
(Okubatizibwa okuli mu byawandikibwa, okw’amazima.)
And many others (Nebirala)!!!!
Desiring to obtain God’s blessing but indifferent in doing His will results in
failure. Serving and improving the life conditions of your fellow men towards
God, is one source of God’s blessing. Therefore, desiring to spread God’s
Message of life but thinking you are too busy with work of whatever sort, poor
to give financial support as you may not have enough for food, or you are not
talented to speak, or feeling bodily imperfection that a person may ask you what
you can not explain; yes in whatever form of constraint: We advise you to
consider the many and varied opportunities the LORD of heaven has placed before
you to serve your fellow men and women; Example, obtain copies of this monthly
Newsletter — look at People interested in God’s word around you; at work place,
home, neighbors, at your church, sending a copy to mother, father, friends &
relatives in different places of the Country. Those who could promote this work
in other right way, the opportunity stands. Yes, how refreshing and motivating
you may contribute to changing Peoples lives, and yourself be God’s righteous
Servant in the belief of Christ and the TRUTH.
Growth in faith is
a desired state of Christian for desired fruitage of Christ likeness; But this
must be in line with the will of God as expressed in 1 Thess. 5:21 KJV — “Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good.” In line with this exhortation we
advise all who are earnest students of Scriptures and our Newsletter, to prove
all our studies with the only standard given by God (Isaiah 34:16) and please
communicate to us! It is also, our privilege to share the message of God’s love
with others; hence we advise those who received the first publications to share
them with God’s People.
Christ’s Kingdom is a monthly
Publication by Uganda Bible Students:
enquiries and subscriptions to be addressed to:
The Editor, Christ’s Kingdom, P. O. Box 28734, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 / 0776 116 202.
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Bible studies.