Isaiah 25:1 |
Vol. 7.04
September-October 2015 |
– The News of Life. Obadiah 21
Prepare the
Table, Watch in the Watchtower, Eat, Drink ...
Isaiah 21:5 |
This is a monthly Christian
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power; are facts not only discernible by the close Student of the word, led by
the Spirit; but the outward signs recognizable by the world, bear the same
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may be able to stand in this evil day”. And beside all this, that giving all
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Self-control, Patience, Godliness, brotherly Kindness, and Love; whom trust in
the merit of Christ’s Sacrifice for the world. Luke 21:36; Matt. 6:10; Eph.6:13;
2 Peter 1:4-11
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If the "orthodox" view of burning hell be true, that all except the saints of
God go there, — that it is the penalty for Adam's sin, that all of Adam's
posterity are under that penalty except those few
faithful believers
in Christ who escape it, then it follows that you, and I, and all,
ought to be
deeply interested in finding out all we can about that which is represented as
the surest
and most awful,
and most general
calamity to which our poor race is exposed.
Subjects like slavery, intemperance, pestilence, or epidemics affecting only a
part of the human family, we would and should, as we do, see hundreds, yes
thousands, of men and women spending time and talent and money in examining, and
arranging for the relief and safety of their fellows. Yet there is no comparison
between human slavery, etc., and
in misery and anguish, which human tongue, we are told, cannot describe. The
most terrible human sufferings of the present, which soon end life and thus
bring relief, are really pleasurable moments in comparison to what we are told
of hell, which besides will never end while the years of
roll. We wonder how otherwise sensible looking and acting men and women, who
love their fellows, establish hospitals, orphanages, asylums and societies for
the prevention of cruelty to even the brute creation, are so unbalanced mentally
that they can believe and subscribe to such a doctrine, and yet be so
indifferent about investigating the subject of "everlasting torture."
Why not rather begin to doubt the self-exalted clergy, and to wonder whether
this "doctrine of devils," this blasphemy against the great God, was not hatched
in the "dark ages," when a crafty priesthood thought it
godly to do evil,
that good might result? The doctrine of eternal torment was introduced by Papacy
to compel pagans to join her system and support her priesthood. It flourished at
the same time that "bull fighting" and gladiatorial contests were the public
amusement most enjoyed, when the Crusades were called
"holy wars,"
and when men and women were called "heretics" and slaughtered, for thinking or
speaking contrary to the teachings of Papacy; at a time when the sun of
gospel truth was obscure, when the Word of God had fallen into disuse and was
prohibited to be read by any but the clergy, whose
love of their
neighbors was often shown in torturing heretics to induce them to recant and
deny their faith and their Bibles —
to save
them if possible,
they explained, from the more awful future of heretics,
But, did the error not do
real good?
Have not many been brought into the churches by the preaching of this doctrine
in the past? No error, we answer, ever did
real good, but always harm. Those to
whom error brings into a church, and to whom the truth would not move, are an
injury to the church. The thousands which this doctrine forced into Papacy,
terrorized, but not at heart converted, which swelled her numbers and her
wealth, diluted what little truth was held before and mingled it with their
unholy and ignorant sentiments, so that to meet the changed condition of things,
the "clergy" found it needful to add error to error, and to resort to methods,
forms, etc., not taught in the Scriptures and useless to the truly converted
whom the truth
controls. Among these were pictures, images, beads, vestments, candles, grand
cathedrals, altars, etc., to help the unconverted heathen to a
form of godliness
more nearly corresponding to their former heathen worship. The heathen were not
benefited, for they were still heathen in God's sight, deluded into following
what they did not understand or do from the heart. They were tares to choke
the wheat without being profited thereby themselves.
The same is true of those brought under the name Christian today, who are not
really at heart converted by the truth, but merely frightened by the error or
allured by promised earthly advantages of a social or business kind. Such add
nothing to the true church. By their ideas and manners they become stumbling
blocks to the truly consecrated, and by their numbers and their inability to
digest the truth, the
real food of
the saints, they lead even the few true pastors to defraud the true sheep in
order to satisfy the demands of these goats for something pleasing to their
unconverted tastes. No, in no way has this error accomplished good, but in every
way harm. Let us now inquire:—
Seeing then the unreasonableness of man's view, let us leave human creeds and
dogmas and come to the oracle of God, that we may hear His own word on this
subject, convinced fully that: — "Blind prejudice is sure to err And scan his
word in vain; God is his own interpreter And he will make it plain."
In the first place, let none forget that the Bible was not inspired in the
English language, that the
inspired Scriptures which "holy men
wrote and spoke as they were moved by the holy Spirit" were written — the Old
Testament in the Hebrew and the New Testament in the Greek language. We know
further, that the translators were not inspired of God so as to prevent mistakes
creeping in; for all scholars recognize some mistakes in the English
translations. Now, admitting that the translators were honest men who reverently
desired to serve God and the church by giving English readers a faithful
translation from the original, yet all who have a knowledge of more than one
language, and who have ever tried translating from one to another, well know
they had a difficult task. The range of both languages makes it often possible
to translate a word by any one of several words, all having slightly different
shades of meaning. Additionally, the idiomatic differences and the peculiarities
in the construction of sentences in both languages must be taken into account.
This makes it necessary for a translator to frequently use
his judgment
both in deciding which of several words he should best use, and also as to their
arrangement to faithfully reproduce the original thought. And, if the
translators have certain false ideas
fixed in
their minds, they are almost sure at times to
color their renderings, without wrong
The word hell occurs
31 times in the Old Testament, and in every instance it is
Sheol in the Hebrew. It
does not mean a lake of fire and brimstone, nor anything at all resembling that
thought: not in the slightest degree! Quite the
reverse: instead of a place of blazing fire it is described in the context as a
state of "darkness;" instead of being a place where shrieks and groans are
heard, it is described in the context as a place of
instead of representing in any sense pain and suffering, or remorse, the context
describes it as one of forgetfulness, where there is no
or "work"
or "remembrance."
The meaning of Sheol
is “The Hidden State,” as applied to man's condition in death; in and beyond
which all is hidden, except to the eye of faith: hence by proper and close
association the word was often used in the sense of the
grave — the
tomb, the
hidden place, or place beyond which only those who have the enlightened eye of
the understanding can see resurrection, restitution of being. And be it
particularly noted, that this very same word Sheol,
is translated pit
and grave 34 times
in our common version by the
same translators
— more times than it is translated
hell; and
twice where it is translated
hell it
seemed so absurd, according to the at
accepted meaning of the word hell, that in modern Bibles the publishers
explain in the margin that it means
grave. See
Isa. 14:9
Jonah 2:2.
In the latter case, the Hidden State, or grave, was the belly of the fish in
which Jonah was buried alive, and from which he cried to God.
The word hell
is Anglo Saxon and in old English usage meant
the place of concealment — the hidden,
or secret, or covered place. Its transitive verb was
hele or
hill meaning
to hide, to conceal, to cover, to roof. In old English books you will find
numerous instances of the use of this word in connection with roofing of houses,
planting, hilling, hiding, etc. To hele a house did not mean to burn it, or
torture it, but to cover or thatch it; to
hele their
potatoes did not mean to burn them, but to conceal them in a pit; and so
likewise when men were
heled there
was no thought of fire, torture and pain, but of covering, concealing, etc. Both
good and bad were thus
heled or
is the corresponding word from the Latin. See Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
under hell, hele, hill and conceal. From this it
will be seen that the use of the word
hell by the
translators of the King James' Version was at a time when the word
hell had not
so utterly changed its meaning as at present. Yet modern translators and
ministers, who well know that the word hell, as
now used,
does not cover the thought of
hades of the
Greek, or sheol
of the Hebrew, refuse to enlighten their credulous flocks.
Amos 9:2.—"Though they dig into
hell, thence shall mine hand take them." (A figurative expression; but
certainly pits of the earth are the only
hells men can
Psa. 16:10.—"Thou wilt not leave my
soul in hell;
neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." (This refers to our
Lord's three days in the tomb. See
Acts 2:31;
Psa. 18:5 and
2 Sam. 22:6.—Margin—"The cords of
compassed me about." (A figure in which trouble is represented as hastening one
to the tomb.)
Psa. 55:15.—"Let them go down quick
into hell"
— margin, "the
Job 26:6.—"Hell
[the tomb] is naked before him; and destruction hath no covering."
Gen. 37:35.—"I
will go down into the
grave unto my
Gen. 42:38.—"Then
shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the
grave." — See
also the same expression in Gen.
1 Sam. 2:6.—"The
Lord killeth and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the
grave, and
bringeth up."
1 Kings 2:6,9.—"Let not his hoar
head go down to the
grave in peace." "His hoar head bring down to the
grave with
Job 7:9.—"He that goeth down to the
Job 14:13.—"O that thou wouldst
hide me in the grave,
that thou wouldst keep me secret until thy wrath is past, that thou wouldst
appoint me a set time and remember me" — resurrect me.
Hosea 13:14.—"I will ransom them
from the power of the
grave; I will
redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O
grave, I will
be thy destruction: Repentance shall be hid from mine eyes." (The Lord did not
ransom any from a place of fire and torment, for there is no such place; but he
did ransom all mankind from the
grave, from
the penalty brought upon all by Adam's sin, as this verse declares. See Rom.
5:12.) And shortly now we trust he will destroy
death and the
and every vestige of Adam's penalty, as is also declared in this verse. This
sheol, hell
or grave
shall be destroyed, that all may come to a full knowledge of the truth, and if
they then will,
[by obedience] they may live forever.
The above list includes instance of the use of the English word
hell and the Hebrew word
sheol. From this
examination it must be evident to all readers, that the Old Testament, covering
God's revelation for four thousand years, contains not a single hint of hell, as
the word is now understood.
The word hades
is most frequently rendered hell in the New Testament. Let us complete this
study by noticing some remaining instances in Scripture where the English
word hell
occurs. There are but two other words than
hades, rendered hell in the New
Testament, namely
gehenna and
which we will now consider in the order named:
This word occurs twelve times. It is the Grecian mode of spelling the Hebrew
words which are translated "the Valley of Hinnom." This valley lay just
outside the city of Jerusalem and served the purposes of sewer and garbage
burner to that city. The offal, garbage, etc., were emptied into the Valley
of Hinnom, and fires were kept continually burning there to
utterly all things deposited therein, brimstone being added to assist
combustion and insure complete destruction. But a living thing was never
allowed to be cast into Gehenna. The Jews were not permitted to
any creature.
When we consider that in the people Israel God was giving us
object lessons
illustrating his dealings and plans, present and future, we should expect
that this Valley of Hinnom, or
would play its part, too in illustrating things future. We know that
Israel's priesthood and temple illustrated the Royal Priesthood — the
Christian church as it will be, the true temple of God — and we know that
their city was a figure of the New Jerusalem, the seat of Kingdom power, and
center of authority — the city [government] of the Great King, Emmanuel. We
remember, too, that Christ's government is represented in the book of
Revelation (Rev.
21:23-27), under the figure of
a city — The New Jerusalem. There, after describing the class permitted to
enter the privileges and blessings of that Kingdom — the honorable and
glorious, and all who have right to the trees of life, we find it also
declared that there shall
not enter into it
anything that defileth, or that worketh abomination, or lies; but only such
as the Lamb shall write as worthy of life. This city full, representing the
redeemed world in the end of the Millennium, was typified or represented in
the earthly city. The defiling, and abominable, etc., the class unworthy of
life, which do not enter in, are represented by the refuse and the filthy
lifeless carcasses cast into
gehenna outside Jerusalem for utter
destruction. Accordingly, we find it stated that those not found worthy of
life, are to be cast into the fire (Rev.
20:15), fire here, as
everywhere, being used as a symbol of
Thus we see that while
served a useful purpose to the city of Jerusalem as a place of garbage
burning, it, like the city, illustrated the future dealings of God, when the
refuse and impure elements will be forever destroyed and prevented from
contaminating the holy and pure, after that age of judgment, or trial, has
proved which are sheep and which are goats.
then, was a type or illustration of the SECOND DEATH — final and complete
destruction. Strictly speaking, none could be in any danger of the
death while as yet under the first, or Adamic death, and while as yet no
ransom from it had been given. Consequently, no one could have been liable
to the second death before the coming of our Lord, who brought to light the
plan of God (to be accomplished through Christ) for the resurrection of all
from the first
death, and a second trial of all men individually for the eternal
continuance of that life by obedience to the law of Christ. The penalty of
failure to comply with those just and righteous conditions is the second
death — condemnation a second time to death, for failure the second time,
and this time individually. Nor is the world in general now liable to this
penalty: none but
consecrated believers
could possibly incur it yet; because no others have
escaped (even reckonedly) the
condemnation that is on the world — the first death, for Adam's sin. The
consecrated have escaped it reckonedly, the sin of Adam being no longer
being imputed to them. (Rom.
But remember that Israel, though they were not and could not be
ahead of other men in this matter, yet for the purpose of being used as
types of the future of God's dealing, they were treated typically as though
the ransom
had been given before they left Egypt, though only a typical lamb had been
slain. When Jerusalem was built, and the temple, representative of the true
temple, the church, and the true kingdom as it will be established by Christ
in the Millennium, Israel typified the
world in
the next age. Their priests represented the glorified Royal Priesthood, and
their Law and its demands of perfect obedience, represented the Law and
conditions under the New Covenant, to be brought into operation for the
blessing of all the obedient, and for the condemnation of all who, when
granted fullest opportunity, will not submit to the righteous ruling and
laws of the Great King.
Seeing then that Israel's condition, etc., was a figure of the world's
condition in the coming age, how appropriate that we should find the valley
or abyss, gehenna, a figure of the second death, the utter
destruction during the coming age of all that is unworthy of preservation.
How aptly, too, is the symbol, "lake of fire burning with brimstone," (Rev.
19:20) drawn from this same
or Valley of Hinnom, burning continually with brimstone, the deadliness of
brimstone adding to the force of the symbol fire, to express the utter and
irrevocable destruction of the second death. How reasonable, too, to expect
that Israel would have courts and judges resembling or prefiguring such
courts and judges in the next age; and that the sentences of
(figurative) courts of
(figurative) people under
(figurative) laws, to
(figurative) abyss, outside
(figurative) city, would largely correspond to the real sentences of the
real courts and judges in the next age. If these points are kept in mind,
they will greatly assist us in understanding the words of our Lord in
reference to
gehenna; for though the literal valley just at hand was named
and referred to, yet his words carry with them lessons concerning the future
age, and the antitypical
gehenna —
the second death (Rev. 21:8).
MATTHEW 5:21-22
"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, 'Thou shalt not kill;
and whosoever shall kill shall be amenable to the judges:' but I say unto
you, that whosoever is ANGRY with his brother [without a cause]
[future — under the regulations of the real Kingdom] be amenable to the
judges: and whosoever shall say to his brother Raca [villain] shall be in
danger of the High Council: but whosoever shall say 'Thou fool' shall be in
danger of hell
To understand these references to council and judges and gehenna, all
should know something of Jewish regulations. The "Court of Judges" consisted
of seven
men (or
twenty-three,— the number is in dispute) which had power to
judge for some classes of crimes. The High Council, or Sanhedrin, consisted
of seventy-one men of presumed learning and ability. This constituted the
highest court of the Jews, and its supervision was over the gravest
offences. The most serious punishment was death, but certain very obnoxious
criminals were subjected to an indignity after death, being refused burial
and cast with the carcasses of dogs, the city refuse, etc., into gehenna,
to be consumed there. The object of this burning in
gehenna was to make the crime and the
criminal detestable in the eyes of the people, and signified that the
culprit was a hopeless case. It must be remembered that Israel hoped for a
resurrection from the tomb, and hence they were particular in caring for the
corpses of their dead. Not realizing the fullness of God's power, they
thought He needed their assistance to that extent. (Exod.
Heb. 11:22;
Acts 7:15,16.) Hence the
destruction of the body in
after death implied to them the loss of hope of future life by a
resurrection. Thus, it represented the second death in the same figurative
way that they as a people represented, or illustrated, a future order of
things under the new covenant.
Now notice that our Lord in the above words pointed out to them, that their
construction of the Law, severe though it was, was far below the
real import
of that Law, as it
"shall be" interpreted under the real Kingdom and judges which
theirs only typified. He shows that the command of their Law, "Thou shalt not
kill," reached much farther than they supposed, and that
malicious anger
and vituperation "shall be" considered a violation of that Law, under the "new
covenant," and that such as under the favorable conditions of that new age shall
not reform so thoroughly as to fully observe this law, would be counted worthy
of that which the
gehenna near them typified, — the second death. However, the force
and severity of that Law will be enforced only in proportion as the discipline,
advantages, and assistance of that age shall enable each to comply with it.
The same thought is continued in
Matt. 5:27-30.
Here again the operation of the Law under the New Covenant is contrasted with
its operation under the old, or Jewish covenant. The lesson of self-control is
urged by the statement that it is far more profitable that men should refuse to
gratify depraved desires (though they were dear to us as a right eye, and as
convenient and almost indispensable as a right hand) than that they should
gratify these, and lose, in the second death, the future life provided through
the atonement, for all who will return to perfection, holiness, and God.
These expressions of our Lord not only serve to show us the
perfection (Rom.
7:12) of the Law, and how fully it
will be enforced and defined in the Millennium, but they served as a lesson also
to the Jews, who previously saw, through Moses' commands, only the crude
exterior of the law of God. If they had found it difficult in their fallen state
to keep inviolate even the surface significance of the Law, they must now see
the impossibility of their keeping the finer meaning of the Law, revealed by
Christ. Had they understood and received his teaching fully, they would have
cried out, Alas! If God judges us thus, by the very thoughts and intents of the
heart, we are all unclean, all undone, and can hope for naught but condemnation
to gehenna (to
as brute beasts). They would have cried, Show us a greater priesthood than that
of Aaron, a priest and teacher able to
fully appreciate the Law, and fully
able to appreciate and sympathize with our fallen state and inherited
weaknesses. Let Him offer for us "better sacrifices," and apply to us the needed
greater forgiveness of sin, and let him as a great physician heal us and restore
us, so that we can
obey the perfect Law of God from our hearts. Then they would have found all
their needs in Christ.
But this lesson they did not learn, for the ears of their understanding were
"dull of hearing." Hence they knew not that God had already prepared the very
priest, and sacrifice, and teacher, and physician they needed, who in due time
those under the
typical law, as well as all not under it, and who also "in due
time," shortly, will begin his restoring work — restoring sight to the blind
eyes of their understanding, and hearing to their deaf ears. Then the "vail
shall be taken away" — that vail of ignorance, pride and human wisdom, which
Satan now uses to blind the world to God's true law and true plan of salvation
in Christ.
The point, however, to be noticed clearly is the mistake commonly made, of
supposing the gehenna
which the Jews knew, and of which our Lord spoke to them, to be a lake of fire
to be kept burning to all eternity, into which all would be cast who get "angry
with a brother" and call him a fool, or who "look upon a woman to lust." Nay,
the point is that "gehenna" symbolizes the second death — utter, complete
and everlasting destruction. This is clearly shown by its being contrasted
with life
as its opposite. "It is better for thee to enter into
life, halt,
or maimed, than otherwise be cast into gehenna." It is better that you
should deny yourself sinful gratifications, than that you should completely lose
all future life and perish in the second death.
LUKE 12:5.
"Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul:
but rather fear him which is able
to DESTROY both soul and body in
See also another account of the same discourse by
Luke — 12:4,5.
Here our Lord points out to his followers the great cause they have for bravery
and courage under the most trying circumstances. They were to expect persecution
and to have all manner of evil spoken against them falsely, for his sake, and
the sake of the "good tidings" of which he made them the ministers and heralds.
Yea, the time would come, that whosoever would kill them would think that he did
God a service. Their consolation and reward for this was to come not in the
present life, but in
a life to come. They were assured, and they believed, that he had
come to give his life a ransom for many, and that all in their graves must in
consequence, in due
time, hear the Deliverer's voice and come forth, either to reward,
if their trial was passed in this life successfully, or to trial, as it must be
to the great majority who had not yet come to the necessary knowledge and
opportunity constituting the new trial, secured for all by the ransom-sacrifice.
Our Lord here speaks of the
present life
and the life to come
which he was about to secure for all by the ransom-sacrifice he was giving. He
calls that future condition the real soul or
being (soul
signifies being),
while the present life (which is really a dying, rather than a living state)
he designates or indicates by the word "body." His bidding, then, is fear not
them which can terminate the present (dying)
life in these poor dying bodies, which, full of frailties and weaknesses and
aches, you got from dying Adam. Care little for it, its food, its clothing, its
pleasures, in comparison with that future existence or being which God has
provided for you, and which, if secured, may be your portion forever. Fear not
the threats, or looks, or acts of men, whose power can extend no farther than
the present being, who can harm and kill these bodies, but can do no more.
Rather have respect and deference to God, with whom are the issues of life
everlasting —
fear him who is able to DESTROY both the present dying existence and the future
everlasting existence, in gehenna
— the second death.
Here it is conclusively shown that
gehenna, as a
figure, represented the second death — the utter destruction which must ensue in
the case of all who, after having received fully the opportunities of a future
being or existence through our Lord's sacrifice, prove themselves unworthy of
God's gift, and refuse to accept it, by refusing obedience to God's just
requirements. For it does not say that God will
preserve soul or body in
gehenna, but
that He can and will
destroy both in it. Thus, we are taught that any who are condemned
to the second death are hopelessly and forever blotted out of existence.
MARK 9:43-47.
(Since these two refer to the same discourse, we quote from
remarking that
44, and 46,
and part of
45 are not found in the oldest Greek MSS. though
verse 48,
which reads the same, is in all manuscripts. We quote only what is in the
ancient MS.) "If thy hand offend thee cut it off: it is better for thee
to enter into life
maimed, than having two hands to go into
gehenna, into
the fire that never shall be quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off:
it is better for thee to enter halt into life than having two feet to be cast
into gehenna.
And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into
the Kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into
where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched."
All must agree with the prophet, after reading the above, that our Lord opened
his mouth in figures and obscure sayings. (Psa.
Matt. 13:34-35.)
No one for a moment supposes that our Lord advised the people to mutilate their
bodies by cutting off their limbs, or gouging out their eyes. Nor does he mean
us to understand that the injuries and disfigurements of the present life will
continue beyond the grave, when we shall "enter into life." The Jews whom he
addressed must have understood him better than many today, because at that time
the Jews had no conception of a place of everlasting torment. They knew the word
gehenna to refer to the valley outside
their city, which was not a place of torment, nor a place where any living thing
was cast, but a place for the utter destruction of whatever might be cast into
it. When they saw the Lord's expression regarding limbs and eyes to be
figurative, they knew that the
mentioned was not their valley of destruction, but a
which it prefigured or illustrated.
The Lord meant simply this: The future life, which God has provided for
sin-cursed, defiled and condemned man, is of inestimable value. It will richly
pay you to make any sacrifice to receive and enjoy that life. Should it even
cost an eye, a hand or a foot, so that to all eternity you should be obliged to
endure the loss of these, yet it would be cheap at even that great cost. That
would be better far than to retain your members and lose all in
Doubtless, too, the hearers drew the lesson as applicable to all the affairs of
life, and they understood the Master to mean that it would richly repay them to
deny themselves many comforts and pleasures and tastes, dear as a right hand,
precious as an eye, and serviceable as a foot, rather than by gratification to
forfeit the life to come and be utterly destroyed in
gehenna — the
second death.
But now what about the worms and unquenchable fire?
We answer, in the literal
which is the basis of our Lord's illustration, the bodies of animals, etc.,
frequently fell upon ledges of rocks and not into the fire kept burning below.
Thus exposed, these would breed worms and be
destroyed, as
completely and as surely as those which burned. No one was allowed to disturb
this valley's contents. Hence between the worm and the fire was completed the
work of destruction — the fire was not
quenched and
the worms died not. This would not imply a never-ending fire, nor immortal
worms. The thought is that the worms do not die off and leave the carcasses
there, but continue and complete the work of destruction. So with the fire also
— if not quenched, it will burn on until all is consumed, just as we might say
if a house were on fire which could not be controlled or quenched, but burned
until the building was destroyed — it would be an "unquenchable fire."
Our Lord wished to impress the thought of the
and finality of the second death. All who go into the second death will be
thoroughly and completely and forever destroyed. No ransom will ever be given
again. There will be no occasion for any, for none worthy of life will be cast
therein — but only those who
unrighteousness after coming to the knowledge of the truth.
Not only in the above instances is the second death pointedly illustrated by
gehenna, but
it is evident that the same Teacher used the same figure to represent the same
thing in the symbols of
though there it is not called
gehenna, but a "lake of fire." Its use
in Revelation shows that the time when the
or second death, symbolized by the fire, will "consume the adversaries," will be
during the Millennial age, and chiefly toward its close, when the sheep (the
meek and good class) will be separated from the goats (the froward and
intractable class of mankind). Then the goat class, with their "father, the
devil," whose image of sin, pride and rebellion they retain and love, in spite
of every favor and knowledge and opportunity granted them, will be cast into the
"lake of fire" — the "second death," "everlasting destruction," the reality
prefigured in
The same valley was once before used as the basis of a discourse by the Prophet
Isaiah (Isa.
66:24). Though he gives it no name,
he describes it, not as some with false ideas might expect of billions in flames
and torture, but of the
carcasses of
those who transgressed against the Lord, who are thus represented as utterly
destroyed in the second death. The
two verses preceding show the
time, and it
is in perfect harmony with the symbols of Revelation. It is in the
dispensation of the Millennium, in the "new heavens and new earth" condition of
James 3:6
"So [important] is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole
body, and setteth on fire the course of nature
when it is set on fire of
Here, in strong symbolic language, the apostle points out the great and bad
influence of an evil tongue — a tongue set on fire (figuratively) by gehenna
(figurative). For a tongue to be set on fire of gehenna, signifies that a
tongue may be set going in evil by a perverse disposition, self-willed, selfish,
hateful, malicious. These sort of dispositions, in spite of knowledge and
opportunity, are like those which, unless controlled and reformed, will be
counted worthy to be destroyed — the class for whom "second death," the real
"lake of fire," the real "gehenna," is intended. One in that attitude may
by his tongue kindle a great fire, a destructive disturbance, which, wherever it
has contact, will work evil in the entire course of nature.
The Greek word tartaroo occurs but once in the New
Testament and is translated
hell. It is
found in
2 Pet. 2:4, which reads: "God
spared not the angels who sinned, but
down to hell
and delivered them into chains of
darkness, to be reserved unto judgment." The fall of the angels which sinned was
from honor and dignity into condemnation and dishonor. Hence, we prefer to
translate the sentence thus: "God spared not the angels who sinned but
degraded them
and delivered them into chains of darkness."
2 Pet. 2:4.
Thus, we close our investigation of the Bible's use of the word
hell. Thank
God, we find no such place of everlasting torture as the creeds, hymn books, and
many pulpits erroneously teach. Yet we have found a hell,
sheol, hades,
to which all were condemned through Adam's sin and from which all are redeemed
by our Lord's death; and that hell is the tomb — the death condition. And we
find another hell (gehenna — the second
death — utter
destruction) brought to our attention as the final penalty upon all, who after
being redeemed and brought to the full
knowledge of
the truth, and to
full ability to obey it, shall yet choose death by choosing a course
of opposition to God and righteousness. And our hearts say, Amen.
Acts 2:1,14,22-31
"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come...Peter...lifted up his voice and
said...You men of Israel, hear these words:— Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved
of God among you, ...being delivered by the determinate counsel and
foreknowledge of God ["He was delivered for our offenses"] you have taken and by
wicked hands have crucified and slain: whom God hath raised up, having loosed
the pains [or bands] of death, because it was not possible that he should be
holden of it [for the Word of Jehovah had previously declared his resurrection,
as saith the prophet David]; for David speaketh concerning him [personating, or
speaking for him], 'I [Christ] foresaw the Lord [Jehovah] always before my face;
for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved. Therefore did my heart
rejoice and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in
hope, because thou wilt not LEAVE my soul in
neither wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see corruption. Thou [Jehovah] hast
made known to me [Christ] the ways of life [thy plan]." Here our Lord, as
personified by the prophet David, expresses his faith in Jehovah's promise of a
resurrection, and in the full and glorious accomplishment of Jehovah's plan
through him, and rejoices in the prospect.
Peter then proceeds saying — "Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of
the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with
us unto this day [so that this prophecy could not have referred to himself
personally; for his soul was left in hell,
and his flesh did see corruption]: Therefore, being a prophet and knowing
that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins according
to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; he, seeing this
before [prophetically] spake of the resurrection [of Christ out of hell —
hades — to which he must go for our offences] that his soul was NOT LEFT
in hell,
— the death state] neither his flesh did see corruption."
Thus, Peter presents a strong logical argument based
on the words of the prophet David showing first, that Christ, who was delivered
by God for our offenses, went to
hell, the
grave, the condition of death, destruction (Psa.
16:10). Secondly, that according to
promise he had been delivered from hell, the grave, death, destruction,
BY A RESURRECTION — a raising up to life, created again, the same identical
being, yet more glorious and exalted, even to the express image of the Father's
person. (Heb.
1:3) And now "this same Jesus" (Acts
2:36) in his subsequent revelation
to the church, declares in
Rev. 1:18
— "I am he that liveth, and was
dead, and behold I am alive forevermore. Amen: and have the keys of
hell [hades,
the grave] and of death." Amen! Amen! our hearts respond; for in his
resurrection we see the glorious outcome of the whole plan of Jehovah to be
accomplished through the power of the resurrected one who now holds the keys of
hell and of death, and in due time will release all the prisoners — "prisoners
of hope" therefore. —
Zech. 9:12.
True and righteous are thy ways, thou King of nations. Who shall not venerate
thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou art entirely holy. And all nations
shall come and worship before thee, because thy righteous dealings are made
GEYENNA n'Okufa !
Bwekiba nga abantu bonna bagenda mu geyenna okujjako abolonde ba Mukama abatono,
era nga bwe kiyigirizibwa, olwo nti kino ekifo ekituntumuka n'omuliro y'empeera
y'ekibi kya Adamu; kituwa okulowooza okunonyeereza ekimala ku ngyigiriza
n'ebigambo bya Baibuli, ekozesebwa okuyigiriza ! Oba nga abantu bangi abasooma
banonyereza ku ndwade nnyingi ezitawanya abantu gamba nga Silimu, okusobola
okuyamba n'okukendeeza ku kubonabona kw'abantu, lwaki si kunonyereza ku
kubonabona okulangibwa okw'emirembe n'emirembe – Geyenna !
Lwaki tetunulira ensibuko y'engigiriza eno mu banaddini mwe yatandikira.
Engigiriza eno yatandika n'obukatuliki bwa Papa Ebulaya era nga mu kiseera
ekyogerebwako nga ekyekizikiza wano ku nsi – mukisera baibuli bwe zawerebwa mu
bantu/ mu lugyudde era nga papa yaba nazo (okusingana nayo nga osalirwa omusango
gw'okufa), mu kiseera abatakirizanga ngyigiriza za papa nga batwibwa bubi nyo –
abamu mu kye bayita entalo entukuvu ! Kale wano abantu bangi abakiriza Kuristo
batibwa ! Abakulu b'edinni eno kwe kuletawo engyigiriza nyingi ez'obulimba oba
eza sitani, nga mwe muli neeno ey'okubonabona mu muliro ogutazikira.
Tulaba nti engigiriza eno yayongera okola obubi eri bonna abalibwa nadala abo
abawalirizibwa okukkiriza obukuristayo olw'okutisibwa okw'okebwa omuliro nga
bafudde ! Bangi abakiriza ku ngulu era bano kyabaleteera okugondera papa
nenzikiriza ye wabula nga tebakyuse ku mutima. Abantu b'ensi nebagya mu bungi
n'ekyonona ekkanisa, olwo n'empisa n'ebirowoozo by'ensi nebyeyongera; bakabona
ne batandiika okukyusa okuyigiriza ebisanyusa abantu n'okwanguyiza banamawanga –
Emiddali negikolebwa, ebibumbe (banamawanga balabe kye basinza olwo beyongere
okukiriza), missa, yekaalu enene, wolotali, gandula ya bakabona, okusabila abafu
n'ebirala. Kino kyayongera obulimba n'okuva ku Katonda; bwekityo, ebisusunku ne
bijula ekkanisa !
Abantu bangi n’Ezikkiriza nnyingi batwaala Geyenna/ Amagombe okuba ekifo
ababi (kuba balowoza tegifa) gye gibonaabonera emirembe n’emirembe! Kirowozebwa
nti Katonda ye yateekawo ekifo kino, gamba Abasiramu bagamba nti omuliro gukyuse
ne langi, kati gwakiragala! Tukimanyi nti Baibuli yawandiikibwa mu nnimi bbiri —
Oluyudaya/Lwebulaniya (Endagaano Enkadde) ne Luyonaani — Greek (Endagaano Empya),
kale tekyali kyangu kyuusa, okuvuunula mu Lungereza n’Oluganda.
Ekigambo AMAGOMBE kiva mu ky’oluzungu (Hell, Pit, Grave), mu Lwebulaniya (Sheol),
ate mu Luyonaani (Hades); Ekigambo GEYENNA kiva mu Lungereza (Gehenna), mu
Lwebulaniya (Ekiwonvu kya Hinomu), mu luyonaani (Gehenna); OKUGWA mu bubi/
ekizikiza, mu Luyonaani (Tartaroo) — 2 Pet. 2:4. Tulaba mu byawandiikibwa nga
AMAGOMBE (Hell) kifo kya kusirika era kyakizikiza so nga teri kusinza Katonda
wadde kumanya kwonna (Zabbuli 115:17, 6:4-5), si kya kukaabiramu oba kubuuzibwa
GEYEENNA nakyo kiringa Amagombe, wabula kyo kitegeeza Okufa okw’okubiri (Marko
9:43-48; Okubikk. 21:8, 20:13-14). Yesu yakozesa akabonero k’Ekiwoonvu kya
Hinomu, okulaga embeera y’okufa okw’okubiri: Ekiwonvu kino kyali kiriranye
ekibuga Yerusalemi era mu kyo mwe baasuulanga kakyafu yenna ow’ekibuga; gamba
nga ebisolo ebifudde, kasasiro, kazambi, era kya kumwangamu omuliro okubeera nga
gusanyaawo kakyafu, kale nga teguzikira okujjako nga biweddewo! Era nate nga
nebisolo ebivunda envunyu zibirya okutusa nga biweedewo era envunyu zafanga bwe
watabangawo kya kulya! Yesu kwe kulaba akabonero kano nga kalungi okukozesebwa
nga obubonero obulala, gamba Abayisirayiri ab’omubiri okulaga Abayisirayiri
abw’omwoyo, Ssaddaka n’ebiwebwayo bya baana ba Israyiri ebiraga Ssaddaka emu eya
Yesu - ejjawo ebibi by’ensi wamu ne Ssaddaka z’ekkanisa ya Kristo, … Ekiwonvu
kino eky’omuliro ogutazikira ne envunyu ezitafa, ziraga bulungi omulimo
gw’okusanyaawo ekintu kyonna; Kale okufa okw’okubiri kyekuva kufaanana ekiwonvu
kya Hamoni (Kitegeza, Geyenna), nti kwe kufa okw’okubiri, omuntu asaanirawo
ddala era tewali ssuubi lya kuzuukira nate, era embeera yemu n’Amagombe (Naye
enjawulo nti abagenda mu MAGOMBE balizuukira, naye mu kufa Okwokubiri/Geyenna
tebalizuukira) era okufa kuno kye kuva kuyitibwa Enyanja y'omuliro ogutazikira –
ekitegeeza okusaanirawo ddala emirembe n’emirembe! WETEGEREZE, abantu bonna bafa
era ne bagenda emagombe (kwe kufa okusooka) era bonna bakuzuukira (Abarumi
15:21-23; Ebikk. 24:15), naye Okufa okw’okubiri abo bokka abajeemu oluvanyuma
lw’okuzuukira ne bagezesebwa, wamu ne Sitani, kye kuva kuyitibwa ekiwonvu kya
Hinomu (Geyenna) kuba teli kuzuukira nate! Basaanirawoo ddala.
Kale twebaza Katonda nti teyatekawo kifo kya ku bonyaabonyezamu bajeemu wabula
ba kusaanirawo ddala, babe nga abatazaalibwa oba kutondebwa! Enjiri y’omulimba
Sitani yeleeta endoowoza ey’okubonaabona mu muriro ogutazikira (1 Tim. 4:1).
Bw’olaba enjiri n’engigiriza y’obulimba era eya sitani (Kale ababulira enjiri ya
Puligatoli, Ono afudde agenze mu ggulu, nga ne Yesu bwe yafa yagenda mu Magombe!
Ono Malayika zimubuza ebibuzo bino kuba takkiriza Buyisilamu oba tamanyi Allah!
Omuzimu gwa gundi gwogedde!), ebuulirwa mu nzikkiriza ezenjawulo. Mukama kyava
atunulira abantube abesimbu nga babutabutira mu kizikiza n’obutamanya
olw’engigiriza ya sitani mu makunganiro gabwe (Yeremiah 14:13; 23:16); Kyava
abasaasira, n’abakowoola nga bwe tulaba mu Kubikkulirwa 18:1-5: —
“…, N’ayogerera waggulu n’eddoboozi ery’amaanyi, ng’ayogera nti Kigudde,
kigudde Babulooni ekinene, ne kifuuka ekisulo kya balubaale, n’ekkomera erya
buli dayimooni, n’ekkomera erya buli nnyonyi embi ekyayibwa (engigiriza ya
sitani era y’enjiri y’obulimba). …, Ne mpulira eddoboozi eddala eriva mu ggulu,
nga lyogera nti – Mukifulumemu, abantu bange, muleme okussa ekimu n’ebibi bye
era muleme okuweebwa ku bibonyoobonyo bye: …”

“A Plan of Ages, which he formed for the
ANOINTED Jesus our Lord”
— Eph. 3:11, Emp. Diag.
“Write down the Vision and make it plain upon tables that every
one may read it fluently.”
— Hab. 2:2-3 L.T.
The 3 Worlds
— 2 Peter 3:5-13
to All Christians from all
GWA BAIBULI nga gwabwerere!
You can write to us or Call us:
Uganda Bible Students,
P.O. Box 28734 Kampala,
(+256) 0753 116 202 /
0776 116202
Or 0782 318 033
FIND THE TRUTH ! … John 17:17
Math.25:6: “Behold the Bridegroom …”
1. Why does God permit Evil/ Satan to do
(Lwaki Katonda owekisa aleka Satan okukola
2. The Most Holy Faith — the Faith which was
delivered to all Saints.
(Okukkiriza okutukuvu enyo - Okwaweebwa
abatukuvu ba Katonda.)
The study of Bible Covenants.
(Okuyiga Endagaano Za Katonda mu baibuli)
Church History— The Seven Churches and
Seven Angels; Rev. 2
(Ekanisa Omusanvu ne
Bamalayika baazo Musanvu
Okubikkulirwa 2)
The Armageddon & The End of the World.
(Olutalo ddekabusa era
olwenkomerero y’ensi)
Tongues, Miracles, Visions and Prophesying.
(Ebyamagero, Okulabikirwa, Okwogera mu nnimi
era n’Obwanabbi)
The TRUE Christian Baptism!
(Okubatizibwa okuli mu byawandikibwa, okw’amazima.)
And many others (Nebirala)!!!!
Desiring to obtain God’s blessing but indifferent in doing His will results in
failure. Serving and improving the life conditions of your fellow men towards
God, is one source of God’s blessing. Therefore, desiring to spread God’s
Message of life but thinking you are too busy with work of whatever sort, poor
to give financial support as you may not have enough for food, or you are not
talented to speak, or feeling bodily imperfection that a person may ask you what
you can not explain; yes in whatever form of constraint: We advise you to
consider the many and varied opportunities the LORD of heaven has placed before
you to serve your fellow men and women; Example, obtain copies of this monthly
Newsletter — look at People interested in God’s word around you; at work place,
home, neighbors, at your church, sending a copy to mother, father, friends &
relatives in different places of the Country. Those who could promote this work
in other right way, the opportunity stands. Yes, how refreshing and motivating
you may contribute to changing Peoples lives, and yourself be God’s righteous
Servant in the belief of Christ and the TRUTH.
Growth in faith is
a desired state of Christian for desired fruitage of Christ likeness; But this
must be in line with the will of God as expressed in 1 Thess. 5:21 KJV — “Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good.” In line with this exhortation we
advise all who are earnest students of Scriptures and our Newsletter, to prove
all our studies with the only standard given by God (Isaiah 34:16) and please
communicate to us! It is also, our privilege to share the message of God’s love
with others; hence we advise those who received the first publications to share
them with God’s People.
Christ’s Kingdom is a monthly
Publication by Uganda Bible Students:
enquiries and subscriptions to be addressed to:
The Editor, Christ’s Kingdom, P. O. Box 28734, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 / 0776 116 202.
You can visit for more on
Bible studies.