Isaiah 25:1 |
Vol. 6.01
January 2014 |
– The News of Life. Obadiah 21
Prepare the
Table, Watch in the Watchtower, Eat, Drink ...
Isaiah 21:5 |
This is a monthly Christian
Newsletter and hereby state the object of its publication: That we are living in
the last days — the end of the
Gospel age; as well as the dawning of the long prayed for Kingdom of Christ in
power; are facts not only discernible by the close Student of the word, led by
the Spirit; but the outward signs recognizable by the world, bear the same
testimony: And we are desirous that the “household of Faith” be fully awake. Not
only help awaken but to assist them to “put on the whole Armor of God that they
may be able to stand in this evil day”. And beside all this, that giving all
diligence, they add to their Faith, Virtue, and to virtue, Knowledge,
Self-control, Patience, Godliness, brotherly Kindness, and Love; whom trust in
the merit of Christ’s Sacrifice for the world. Luke 21:36; Matt. 6:10; Eph.6:13;
2 Peter 1:4-11
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“Men and brethren, let me
freely speak to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and
his sepulchre is with us unto this day .... For David is not ascended into the
Acts 2:29, 34
Accepting the recognized
fact that the whole world is rapidly going down into death and the estimate that
billions of our neighbors and friends have already gone thither, our topic will
be recognized by all as a most pertinent one. To be without thought on this
subject or to discuss it lightly should be esteemed a mark of insanity,
signifying as little reasoning capacity respecting it as that possessed by the
brute creation. Whatever our previous thoughts on the subject have been, we are
all inquirers for the truth, and as such endeavor to have our minds as free as
possible from superstition and error.
The Apostle Paul calls our attention to the fact that the
heathen in his day labored under the delusion of “doctrines of demons.” (1 Tim.
4:1.) We know what those doctrines were, for they are still prominent throughout
heathendom. Plato, one of the philosophers whose teachings were widely accepted
at that time and which were set aside by the Apostle as vain philosophies, the
wisdom of men as compared with the wisdom of God, taught the theory of human
immortality. (Col. 2:8.) He claimed that man received from the gods a spark of
Divine quality which could never be extinguished, and that hence his portion
must be to live on and on throughout all eternity. The Grecians took hold of
Plato’s theories, and they — being the most intelligent people of that time
aside from the Jews — spread this theory wherever their literature went. It is
not surprising, therefore, that it not only tinctured the views of the heathen
but also to some extent those of the Jews — though comparatively few, known as
the Essenes. These in accepting Plato’s philosophy really ceased to be Jews in
the religious sense. This Platonic theory, starting before Christianity, was in
many respects its competitor, until gradually in various parts the Christian
faith became tinctured with it.
We wish you to notice that this theory is responsible for the
world-wide opinion that a human life once begun can never be extinguished. With
this theory the people of the East supported their view of the transmigration of
souls — claiming that a human soul is separate and distinct from a human body,
and that when the latter dies the soul passes out and in due time will be born
again in another body — perhaps, again as a man, or a woman or as a dog or a
donkey or an elephant or a mouse. The labors, the privations, the difficulties
of all the lower animals are thus looked forward to by these poor people as
being their own future state. No wonder their faces, indexing their heart
conditions, are woeful and sad! Others of the heathen have beliefs nearer to
those entertained by many in Christendom — that the tortures of the life they
cannot get rid of will be with fire or ice or other torments at the hands of
(False Christianity).
Accepting the recognized fact that Christendom leads the world in
thought today we note that the philosophy instituted by Plato — not by Moses,
not by the Prophets of Israel, not by Jesus, not by His Apostles — has taken a
firm hold upon Christian faith, and left its terrible impress upon nearly every
item thereof. Practically all of the larger denominations of Christendom hold to
the Platonic theory, though the majorities are quite unaware of the origin of
the doctrine, many of them supposing that it is the Bible teaching — that it is
supported by every writer on the Holy Scriptures. Quite the contrary of this is
true, however; and, as we shall shortly show, the testimony of the Scriptures is
radically in opposition to this theory from first to last, and without the
exception of a single writer or a single text.
As the oldest of the denominations, Catholicism should be
heard first as to its views on the subject — Where are the dead? Its answer is
that it ignores the heathen theory of the transmigration of souls, but that it
holds to the feature of Plato’s philosophy which declares that the human soul is
immortal — that a human existence once having started can never cease — hence
that the billions of Adam’s race who have died are not really dead, but more
alive than ever before, and that notwithstanding the appearance of death they
have been experiencing either joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain. In answer to our
more particular inquiries it tells us that the dead are in one of three places:
(1) A very few saintly ones went to Heaven directly at death;
(2) A comparatively small number who died outside the Roman
Catholic faith, in willful opposition thereto and hence called heretics, have
since their death been enduring a hell of torture which will be never ending;
(3) The great mass — all others than those enumerated above —
they claim go to Purgatory. Their claim is that nearly all of the heathen go
there because they were not counted worthy of the blessing of knowledge before
they died, and because on the other hand they had done nothing to merit either
the eternal torture of hell or the eternal peace of Heaven.
To Purgatory they assign practically all the members of their own
Church also — including bishops, archbishops, cardinals and popes. Dante was one
of their prominent theologians, whose description of the Inferno gives the Roman
Catholic view of Purgatory. Neither should any think that these Catholic
doctrines of the past have in any degree changed at the present time. In this
very day Catholics have tracts for their children which describe in vivid
language the most excruciating tortures awaiting those who in any sense or
degree are disrespectful or disobedient to the priests and the teachings of the
Catholic Church. It is no wonder, then, that Catholics make no pretensions to a
love for God — Isaiah 29:13. They fear and dread. The hope held out to these is
that any good deeds of theirs will be credited up and serve to shorten the
period of their sentence to suffering, the period of their stay in Purgatory,
the period of their deliverance to Heaven.
This doctrine of life in Purgatory is the basis for the many
exhortations from Catholic pulpits and Catholic books that faithfulness be
manifested by penances and masses. A certain number of attendances at Church in
the Lenten season constitutes a penance to which is attached a blessing and the
remission of so many years of purgatorial suffering. Those who have money are
exhorted to set apart a good portion of it to defray the expenses of masses for
their own soul or for those of others. The calculation seems to be that all the
penances and all the masses imaginable would still leave long years or decades
or centuries to be suffered before deliverance to Heaven. And this rule is
applied indiscriminately to rich and poor alike, high and low. To illustrate,
when Pope Pius IX died, masses were said for the repose of his soul throughout
all the Roman Catholic Churches of the world. Likewise when Pope Leo XIII died,
the same command for masses for the repose of his soul went forth, and was
executed in all Catholic Churches. This implied the belief that these men, while
the highest functionaries of that Church, were not sufficiently holy or pure or
good to be admitted to Heaven; for surely those gaining access to Heaven have no
need of masses for the repose of their souls.
The expression “repose of the soul” implies the tortures of that
soul in Purgatory, and supplication and endeavor to have God remit a measure of
those sufferings and shorten the period of the tribulations. We are not making
light of those matters. We are merely stating them, not because they are
unknown, but because they are not realized and appreciated. All Catholics then,
we believe, will assent to our declaration that their faith is that the great
mass of mankind are now in Purgatory, a comparatively small number in eternal
torment, which they call Hell, and a small number, comparatively, in Heaven. It
should be remembered, however, that on a Papal Jubilee it is the custom for the
Pope to exercise a power he claims is his, of setting free from Purgatory
certain thousands of its inmates who have not fulfilled all of their term of
punishment, though it is to be supposed that it is not his intention to admit
them to Heaven insufficiently purged.
Protestants claim to be much in advance of Roman Catholics in
respect to their religious faith. They often, we know, speak of Roman Catholics
as ignorant, superstitious and deluded. What shall we say then if we find that
the Protestant view on the question of our discourse is much more unreasonable
than that of Catholics? We at least would be obliged to say that they have no
room for boasting. Protestant creeds, almost without exception, agree to the
Platonic theory that no human being can die — that when men seem to die they
really become more alive that same instant than they ever were before.
We ask, Where, then, do they go? They reply that they cannot
tolerate the Roman Catholic view of a Purgatory, that they have looked into the
Bible sufficiently to find that there is no such teaching in the Scriptures.
They tell us, therefore, that they believe that there are just two places for
the dead, Heaven or Hell. We inquire of them, Who goes to Heaven? They answer,
The saintly, the holy, the pure in heart, the Little Flock, the Elect, those who
walk in the footsteps of Jesus. We inquire respecting the rest, and hear the
Protestants (to their credit be it said) balk at the teaching of their creeds
even while they affirm them, and declare that all not begotten again of the Holy
Spirit, not sanctified in Christ, not saints, go to hell.
We inquire the kind of hell they have gone to and get various
replies. Some assert that it is a place of literal fire and excruciating pains
at the hands of fire-proof demons, and that this will be the fate of all who
enter there to all eternity, without any hope of escape. Others, without being
able to give particular reasons, tell us that in their great wisdom they agree
with all the foregoing except as to the kind of punishment, which they conclude
must be a mental anguish or suffering. But lest we should think of them as being
tender-hearted, they hasten to add that this suffering will really be more
intense, “worse” than that of the literal fire believed in by others. The whole
race, we are told, was started on the broad road for this eternal torment by
Father Adam’s disobedience, and in consequence of that we are all born in sin,
shapen in iniquity. Those who ever get to Heaven will get there because of
Divine mercy and aid extended them to overcome the world, the flesh and the
In the Bible the Lord appeals to our reason, saying, “Come,
let us reason together.” (Isa. 1:18.) He does not intimate that we should reason
without Him and without His Word; but He distinctly implies that His Word should
be reasoned upon, be considered by our minds. Whoever possesses any measure of
reasoning faculty must conclude that the Catholic view of our question — Where
are the Dead? — is in some respects worse than the heathen view; that the
Protestant view of death is still worse; that none of these views seem to be
God-like, but that all of them condemn themselves as being devilish.
Reasoning power on religious subjects seems to be a scarce
commodity. Many Christian people seem to understand the invitation to reason
with God to mean that He wishes them to tell Him just what are their
preferences; and that if they remain obdurate, holding to their preferences, He
will finally give in and say that their wills shall be done in Heaven and in
earth. Let none of us make this mistake. Let us on the other hand remember the
greatness of God — His Wisdom, Justice, Love and Power. Let us remember our own
insignificance and lack of knowledge. Then, in harmony with the Master’s
precepts, let us become as little children, anxious to be and to do in harmony
with the Divine Plan, as God has revealed it. So doing, dear friends, each one
of us is assured of the Divine blessing — assured of a growth in grace, in
knowledge, in love, toward God and toward our fellows.
Let us begin with our text. It declares that David is dead. Hence
he is not alive in any sense. It declares that he is not in Heaven, and we are
not bound to accept either the Catholic or Protestant view that he is in hell or
eternal torment. What does the inspired Apostle Peter say respecting David’s
present whereabouts?
He says in our text, “His sepulchre is with us.” It could be his
sepulchre only in the sense that he was still in it, that it still represented
him. If he had begun a new existence elsewhere that sepulchre in no sense of the
word would be his. We are using the Apostle’s words in the very sense in which
he himself used them. Saint Peter had just quoted from the Psalms, “Thou wilt
not leave my soul in hell [Hebrew, Sheol; Greek, Hades].”
He points out that David spoke not these words concerning himself, respecting
his own soul, but respecting the soul of Christ — that Christ’s soul would not
be left in hell. The Apostle’s argument is that David’s soul is still in hell,
but that Christ’s soul was delivered from hell — raised from the tomb, from the
state of death, on the third day after His crucifixion.
Here, dear friends, we have a declaration sure enough that the
dead go to hell — not to Purgatory (Acts 2:29-34). Furthermore it is a
declaration that the Prophet David and Christ Jesus Himself went to hell (Greek
— Hades) — that the latter had been delivered from hell, but that the
former was still there. Had we the time, it would be an easy matter to bring
evidence from the entire Scriptures proving that all who die, both good and bad,
go to hell; and that the only means by which they can be delivered from Sheol,
Hades — hell, is through a resurrection of the dead. This Scriptural
presentation not only differs from the heathen view but differs also from the
Catholic and Protestant views. And with the ordinary idea of hell before our
minds, it would seem more awful than any other theory that both good and bad
alike should go down to Sheol, to Hades. But wait a moment, dear
friends; let us not too hastily decide that the Bible is unreasonable in its
presentations. Let us not prove or test it by human theories.
The poet has truly said: “God is His own interpreter; And He will
make it plain.” Investigation shows that our difficulty arises from attaching a
wrong meaning to these Scriptural terms Sheol and Hades (hell).
The unreasonable view of the fire-and-torment hell which we all received with so
much credulity came from the Dark Ages, not from the Bible. Dante’s “Inferno” is
as different from the hell of Scripture as darkness is from sunlight. We must
not carry forward the demonology of the Dark Ages and attach it to our
interpretations of the Bible. If we do, we shall be quite confused. We should
remember, too, that these lurid pictures of the Dark Ages were painted by the
very class of men who, with a devilish spirit, burned one another at the stake
or tortured one another with the rack, the thumbscrew or other devilish
inventions. We do not approve the moral character of those men, and we should
not expect their doctrinal teachings to be much superior to themselves, nor much
in harmony with Divine truth and revelation. Let us then examine hell from the
Scriptural standpoint.
Let us hear what God has said. As is well known, our Bible was
not originally written in the English language. The Old Testament was written in
Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek — ours is but a translation. Going to the
Old Testament in the Hebrew we find that it contains more than twice as many
mentions of hell, Sheol, as does the English translation. In the English
the word occurs 31 times, in the Hebrew, 66 times. How has this Hebrew word
Sheol been translated in our English Bible? We answer that the thirty-one
times the word hell occurs are from this word Sheol, that it occurs twice
more in our common version where it is rendered “pit,” and that it occurs
thirty-three times more in our common version and is rendered “grave.”
Furthermore, in two of the places where it is rendered hell in our common
version, it is interpreted by the marginal reading, “Hebrew, the grave.”
The fact, dear friends, is, as every Hebrew scholar knows,
that the word Sheol is never used to refer to a place of fire or of
torture. In every instance, whether used literally or figuratively, it refers to
a death state. Furthermore, as we have already stated, both good and bad are
reputed to go thither. David went to Sheol, our Lord Jesus went to
Sheol (hell), according to the Scriptures. We might quote you from the words
of the patriarch David, also from the various other Prophets, how they ALL
expected to go to Sheol — to the tomb, the state of death. Not only
so, but they assure us also that Christ redeemed us and the world from Sheol.
For instance, we read in the prophecy of Hosea, “I will ransom them from
Sheol: O Death, I will be thy plagues; O Sheol, I will be thy
destruction.” (Hosea 13:14.) Furthermore, we have the Scriptural declaration
respecting Sheol that it contains no fire, no suffering.
We read, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy
might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol,
whither thou goest.” (Eccl. 9:10.) In other words, we should be actively engaged
in doing some good according to our talents and opportunities because we are all
hastening to Sheol — to the tomb — to death, and there is no wisdom nor
device nor knowledge there; we can neither help nor hinder, do good nor do harm,
when we have reached the “land of forgetfulness.” (Psa. 88:12.) Realizing this
should make us all the more diligent in the present life.
We have already seen that through the Prophet the Lord
declared that He would redeem our souls from Sheol, and that Sheol
should be destroyed — Hosea 13:14. What is meant by this? We answer that Father
Adam by his disobedience involved himself and all of the race in what the
Scriptures designate a “curse” or penalty — not an eternal torment penalty, but
a death penalty. Not “Roasting thou shall roast,” but “Dying thou shalt die,”
was the Divine statement of Adam’s penalty. Again, “In the sweat of your face
shall you eat bread until you return unto the dust from whence you ware taken.
For dust you art, and unto dust shall you return.” It does not read, “unto
eternal torture thou shalt be remanded.” God has explained the matter expressly
enough, but our poor heads were befogged with the doctrines of devils handed
down from the Dark Ages, often by very good and well-intentioned people, amongst
others our parents.
Hear the Apostle’s statement of the same matter, and let us
notice how closely it corroborates the Old Testament’s pronouncement. He says,
“As by one man’s disobedience sin entered the world and death as a result of
sin; and thus death passed upon all men, because all are sinners.” (Rom. 5:12.)
How plain that is! Not a word about eternal torment as the penalty for our sins
inherited from Father Adam. Quite to the contrary, it was a death penalty, a
just, reasonable penalty. God, who gave the opportunity for life eternal, had
the full right, the full power, to terminate that life when used contrary to His
Divine injunction. Had it not been for God’s mercy the infidel’s view of the
matter would have been true — that a man’s death is the same as that of the
brute beast — that there would be no beyond, no future. But while telling us
this (Eccl. 3:20), the Lord graciously informs us that He has found a Redeemer
for Adam and his race.
The Scriptures point us to Jesus and the work that He
accomplished on our behalf. He died, the Just for the unjust, that He might
reconcile us to God. (1 Pet. 3:18.) As we all came under death conditions
through Father Adam, so when Jesus by His death paid Adam’s penalty it was
accounted as a sufficiency of price for the sins of the whole world. Thus the
Apostle declares that Jesus “gave Himself a Ransom for all” and “tasted death
for every man.” (1 Tim. 2:6; Heb. 2:9.) Mark well he does not say that Jesus
tasted eternal torment for every man. Eternal torment was not the penalty. The
Bible has it right. Death is the penalty, and it is upon the whole race. But the
whole race has been redeemed, and therefore when God’s due time shall arrive a
blessing of resurrection, of awakening from death, shall come to every member of
our race. It is thus that Sheol shall be destroyed — that is, that there
will be no longer a tomb or death condition; for all will be taken out of that
condition, awakened from the death sleep — ALL !
The equivalent of the Hebrew word Sheol, as we have
already stated, is the Greek word Hades, which is found in the New
Testament written in the Greek. In proof of this take our context and note the
words of St. Peter that he quoted from Psalm 16:10 — “Thou wilt not leave My
soul in Sheol,” and in the Greek rendered it, “Thou wilt not leave My
soul in Hades.” (Acts 2:31.) In a word, the Old Testament says that Jesus
went to Sheol, and that His soul was not left there, but raised from the
dead; while the New Testament declares these things of Hades. What we are
saying is new to the majority of the so-called laity, but not at all new to the
educated of the clergy, who all know, if they would admit it, that Sheol
and Hades contain no thought of fire or torment or trouble, but merely
represent the state or condition of death — what we would express by the word
This great underworld of the dead, the tomb, Sheol,
Hades, has many cities of the dead called cemeteries. But according to the
Scriptural symbolization it is a great prison-house. In it are estimated
billions who have died. They are called in the Scriptures “prisoners of hope,”
because the Lord has promised that ultimately the great prison-house shall be
broken up and all these prisoners shall be released, brought back to
consciousness again under better conditions than now prevail. This assurance of
resurrection the Apostle tells us is “both for the just and the unjust” — Acts
24:15. Not all will have the same degree of blessing when they come forth from
the tomb in the Millennial Morning; for the Scriptures declare that some shall
come forth to the life-resurrection and others to the judgment-resurrection — to
be subject to disciplines, corrections, that if rightly received will help them
up, up, out of their degradation and back to a condition in which God will be
pleased to permit them to live everlastingly. — Zech. 9:12; 1 Peter 3:18.
The Scriptures are very clear in declaring that all this hope
of a resurrection is based upon the fact that Christ died for the sins of the
world, and that without His death there could be no resurrection — the prisoners
would all remain in the great prison-house. Indeed, they would not be said to be
in a prison-house at all were it not for the divine provision for their
re-awakening. Hearken to the Prophet telling of this coming blessing upon the
prisoners. Speaking of Christ and His work during the Millennial Age, he
declares that the Lord shall say to the prisoners, “Go forth!” to them that are
in darkness, “Show yourselves!” (Isa. 49:9.) Their coming forth will be that
they may manifest their real sentiments either for righteousness or for
unrighteousness, when they will have a full, complete opportunity for choice.
Those who choose righteousness will thereby be choosing eternal life, according
to God’s provision, and they that will choose unrighteousness will be choosing
the Second Death, extinction, from which there will be no hope of recovery ever.
“Christ dieth no more.” (Rom. 6:9) — there will be no resurrection from the
Second Death.
All are redeemed from the first or Adamic death because Christ
took Adam’s place and bought the whole race, with a view to giving each member
of the race an individual opportunity for returning to God’s favor. Mark again
the Prophet’s declaration. (Isa. 61:1.) There Christ’s mission is declared to be
to “bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the
opening of the prison to them that are bound.” How beautiful the picture!
Billions of prisoners, slaves of sin! The great Deliverer has provided their
ransom by going into death on their behalf. Because of His faithfulness He was
rewarded with life on a still higher plane, and has thus become the Author of
salvation to all them that will obey Him. (Heb. 5:9.)
A few have the hearing ears in the present time, and their’s is
the great privilege of hearing the Redeemer’s voice and becoming His faithful
Bride by suffering with Him for righteousness’ sake, that they may in the
Millennial period, with their Lord and Master, pour out upon the whole human
creation the Divine blessing of forgiveness, restitution, reconciliation. Notice
further that Jesus applied this same figure to Himself, quoting this very
passage in the synagogue at Nazareth. We are all witnesses that He did not open
prison-doors of any kind at His First Advent, except as figuratively, he,
through the awakening of Lazarus and a few others, showed forth His coming glory
and His coming work, which will bless all.
Hearken also to His words in his final message to the Church,
“I am He that liveth, and was dead, and, behold, I am alive forevermore; and
have the keys of death and of Hades” — the grave, the tomb. (Rev. 1:18.)
Ah, yes, the keys are in good hands! They are rightfully His who has bought all
the prisoners. In due time He will use the key and bring all forth from the
great prison-house, that under the blessed conditions of His Kingdom they may
all come to a knowledge of the Truth and, if they will, by obedience, come back
into harmony with God and possess eternal life — or, acting otherwise, die the
Second Death.
But how about the Revised Version? says one. Ah! we answer, the
revisers were educated men, who knew well the significance of hell, Hades
— who knew that in no sense of the word did they refer to a place of torment,
but that they do signify the death state. How then did they translate these
words Sheol and Hades? We reply that they were too honest to
translate them with the word hell, but not honest enough to give the English
reader the truth on the subject; and hence they gave no translation at all, but
merely introduced the Hebrew word Sheol in the Old Testament and the
Greek word Hades in the New Testament without translating them. The
public, thoroughly deluded on the subject, at once declared that their course
was one of leniency, and that Sheol and Hades were just as hot as
when translated hell. The fact is, dear friends, as we have already stated, that
there is no fire connected with either of these words in any proper
interpretation of them.
We have set before you the Scriptural presentation on this
subject. Where are the dead? It may be disappointing to some of your minds as
you think of the saintly ones of your friends and relatives. But they surely
have not been very many. On the contrary, the great mass of our friends and
those who have died have given no evidence of being spirit-begotten, pure in
heart, saintly. Hence, if there be a measure of disappointment on the one hand
there is a corresponding measure of relief on the other. However, no matter what
our friends may have been, I hope you and I are amongst those who desire to know
the Truth and to whom the Lord has promised that they shall know the Truth and
the Truth shall make them free. Let us be free then from these awful dogmas of
the past, free to love God, free to believe His Word, free to trust in and
understand how Jesus tasted death for every man, free to believe that He who
redeemed will restore, free to believe that the resurrection of the dead is the
salvation which God has provided, and that “in death there is no remembrance of
Thee,” as the Prophet has declared — Psa. 6:5.
We remind you again of our dear Redeemer’s words, speaking of
the resurrection. He not only said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” but He
also declared, “The hour is coming in which all that are in their graves shall
hear the voice of the Son of Man and shall come forth.” (John 11:25; 5:28.)
Those of you who are Christians will not doubt the Redeemer knew where are the
dead. And in this Scripture which we have just quoted it distinctly says that
they are in their graves, not in Purgatory, not in a hell of torment, not in
Heaven; they are in the tomb, in the death state, and from the death state He
will call them forth in the Resurrection Morning. What more could we ask than
this positive statement? Who dares to contradict Him, who spake as never man
spake? What theologian would have the temerity?
Note how complete is the harmony between His statement and
that of our text. St. Peter, one of the chiefest Apostles, declares that David
was still in his sepulchre, had not ascended into Heaven; Jesus Himself
declares, “No man hath ascended into Heaven,” (John 3:13), and again, “All who
are in their graves shall come forth.” The next verse tells that in the coming
forth there shall be two classes, the one perfect in life, glory, honor and
immortality; the other still imperfect and to receive chastisements, judgments,
disciplines, with a view to their ultimately attaining a full resurrection out
of sin-and-death conditions if they will. Amen.
Abassaja ab’oluganda, nnyinza okwogerera n’obuvumu mu maaso
gammwe ebya jjajjaffe omukulu Dawudi nti yafa n’aziikibwa, n’amalaalo ge gali
waffe ne kaakano. .... Kubanga Dawudi teyalinnya mu ggulu, ....”
— Ebikk. 2:29-34.
Abantu ba Katonda, tulina omukisa okuyiga ku Magombe, nti Abafu
balaga wa? Amagombe gali gatya? Kale kino kirowoozebwako kuba abantu baffe bangi
— Ab’emwikwano n’engada baafa era abantu bonna bagenda mu kufa — Abalungi
n’ababi. Kyamuwendo okufuna Amazima ku nsonga eno, ne tutawubisibwa bulibwa na
Omutume Paulo y’alabula (1 Tim.4:1) okwegendeereza enjigiriza za
Sitani, ezaali zikyaase mu kiseera ekyo, songa nakati weziri nnyo n’amanyi
n’okusinga bwe kyaali. Plato, omu ku bagezigezi b’ensi eno, yategeeza nga omuntu
bwe yalina ekitundu kyo’bulamu ekitafa ! Enjigiriza ye n’etuuka ne mu bakkiriza
ba Kristo n’Abayudaya. Enjigiriza eno egamba nti omuntu alina ekitundu ekitaffa,
Abakuristayo abamu kyebagamba nti omwoyo gw’Omuntu tegufa, so nga ne banamawanga
bangi gamba nga Abayindi bagamba nti omuntu bwafa, omyoyo gwe gumuvamu ne
guzalibwa mu nte, mbuzzi, kappa, nkoko oba ebinyonyi; N’abaganda wano balowooza
nti omuntu asigala ategeera era omuzimu gwe (omwoyo) gubeerawo nga gutambula (enjiri
y’emizimu). Kino kiraga bulungi enjigiriza z’Amasitani ezikontana n’Ekigambo kya
Katonda — Baibuli.
Katusooke n’abenzikkiriza ey’Abakatuliki: Bagamba nti omuntu alina ebitundu
bibiri era omwoyo gwe gwanjawulo nnyo okuva ku mubiri — nti omwoyo tegufa, era
omuntu bwafa omwoyo gwe gumuvamu ne gugenda mu biffo eby’enjawulo. Kale
bakkiriziganya n’enjigiriza y’omugezigezi Pulato nti Omwoyo tegufa. Kye bava
bawa ebifo nga bisatu ebisubirwa okubeeramu bonna abafa: 1) Abatukuvu ba Katonda
bagenda mu Ggulu oluba okufa, ewa Katonda, mukusanyuuka kwoka. 2) Abakoozi
b’ebikolobero, bagenda buterevu mu Geyeena oluba okufa. 3) Abantu abasinga
obungi olufa, emyoyo gyabwe gitwalibwa mu Puligatoli, ne gilongosebwa mu kuyita
mu kubonyabonyezebwa, oluvanyuuma okugenda mu ggulu ! Abo abagenda mu geyeena,
babeera mu muliro omuka, era mu maziga wozzi! Bino byonna bikontana n’ekigambo
kya Katonda, Baibuli.
Abakuristayo aba Polesitante, Balokole, ba sevensday, ....
tebakkiriziganya mu bimu n’abakatoliki, gamba, tebakkiriza Puligatoli kuba
tekiri mu baibuli. Naye, bayiggiriza nnyo Geyeena era bateegeza lwatu nti
omuliro mungi nnyo ogw’okwokya abatakkiriza. Abatukuvu abatono ennyo bagenda mu
ggulu naye abantu abasinga obungi bagenda mu geyeena ey’omuliro. Baibuli sibwe
yigiriza, etegeeza bulungi nnyo abafu gye babeera — abalungi n’ababi, Katulabe.
Mukama Katonda atuyita tuteese, ategeeza nti mugye mulabe
ebyawandikibwa wabula si ku muteegeeza bye twagala kuba ye y’ensibuko y’amageezi
n’okuteegera; kale tulina okuyiga enjigiriza ya Baibuli, ki Mukama ky’ateegeeza
buli nsonga! Bwe tugenda mu Baibuli, tulaba lwatu nti enjigiriza y’Abakatoliki
n’eya Polestante byonna bulimba oba bifu, njigiriza z’amasitani (1 Tim. 4:1).
Katusome mu byawandiikibwa:
Okusoka — Ebikk. 2:29-34 — Abassaja ab’oluganda,
nnyinza okwogerera n’obuvumu mu maaso gammwe ebya jjajjaffe omukulu Dawudi nti
yafa n’aziikibwa, n’amalaalo ge gali waffe ne kaakano. Nayogeera ku kuzukira kwa
Kuristo nti teyalekebwa Magombe, ... .... Kubanga Dawudi teyalinnya mu ggulu,
....” Kitegeeza lwatu nti Dawudi tali mu ggulu songa toyinza gamba nti ali
mu Puligatoli abonyabonyezebwa oba nti ali mu Geyeena y’omuliro. Mukama waffe
Yesu bwe yafa naye yagenda mu Magombe (ekivunulwa mu Luyonnani hades, mu
luzungu Hell — Geyeenna). Kino ekigambo Geyeena (mu luzungu hell) si kifo kyaka
n’omuliro okugutazikira wabula kitegeeza okufa. Wano omutume ategeeza nti Dawudi
akyali mu kufa/ emagombe naye Kuristo yagibwamu nga azuukira.
Tulaba nti Yesu bwe yafa yagenda Magombe (Mu luzungu- Hell, luyonani- Hades,
Luganda- Geyeena), nti era abantu bonna bwe bafa bagenda eyo wabula si mu muliro
ogutazikira! Nabbi Dawudi nti naye yagenda eyo wabula nti ye Kuristo yagibwayo
so nga Dawudi akyaliyo ! Kale nga bwe tusoma bayibuli, Endagaano enkadde
yawandikibwa mu Lw’ebulaniya so nga Endagaano Empya mu Luyonani. Kino
kituleteera okunoonyereza ku bigambo ebyakozesebwa mu nnimi ezo zombi, n’amakulu
ga byo! Era tukiraba lwatu nti Shoel (Lwebulaniya) ne Hades (luyonani)
bitegeeza kintu kimu “Kufa” era bye byakozesebwa okuvunulwa Amagombe (Luganda),
Hell, Pit, Grave (Luzungu). Tebitegeeza muliro gw’okya kuba bitegeeza ekyo
Katonda kye yateegeeza Adamu nga ay’onoonye. Nti muntuyo zo mw’onogya eky’okulya
okutuuka lw’olida mu ttaka, kuba omwo mwe wagyibwa, era mu ttaka mwolida. Kino
kitukiriza okulabula kwa Katonda — “Tolyanga ku kibala kino, olunaku lwo likirya
lwo lifa.” Katonda yagamba kufa si kugenda mu muliro gutazikira oba Puligatoli.
Okufa kye ki? Ebyawandikibwa mu Omubulizi 9:10 — bitegeeza lwatu
nti “Buli kintu omukono gwo kye gulaba okukola, okikolanga n’amaanyi go; kubanga
tewali mulimu newakubadde okuteesa newakubadde okumanya newakubadde amagezi mu
magombe gy’ogenda.” Kale awatali kumanya na kutegeera oyinza okuwuulira obulumi
bw’omuliro? oba okubonyabonyezebwa? Mmwe gendeereze enjigiriza za masitani
ezetolodde amadiini, Amazima getagisa nnyo. Ate Geyeena Yesu gye yayogeerako
eyaka, ne kibiritu — Kano akabonero ko kufa, yesu ke yakozesa kigambo kya Honomu
(kiwoonvu kya yerusalemi), ekyabeerangamu ebisolo ebifudde, nga envunyu ziri
omwo, n’omuliro nga teguzikira okusanyawo ebikyafu — akabonero akalaga
okusaanawo okwekomeredde, kwe kufa okw’okubiri (si okufa okusoka ku ba bonna
abafa mu kufa kw’Adamu ba kuzukira) naye waliwo okufa okw’okubiri eri abo
abazukidde bwe balilemwa okwata obutukkirivu. — Okubik. 20:9-10, 21:8.
Tulaba ekisa kya Katonda, nga Katonda ategeeza okuyita mu ba nabbi be nti
“Ndibanunula eri amaanyi ag’amagombe; ndibagula okuva eri okufa: ggwe okufa,
ebibonoobono byo biri ludda wa? ….” Kino Yesu yakitukiriza bwe yagya ku nsi (Yokkana
3:16) n’awaayo obulamu bwe okuba Omutango gw’ekibi ky’Adamu. Bwatyo Kuristo
n’asasulira ekibi ky’Adamu wamu n’abaana b’Adamu. Kuba tukiraba lwatu nti Adamu
y’eyayonoona, okufa n’ekugya mu nsi, n’okufa ne kubona ku bantu bonna kuba bonna
bayonoona — Abarumi 5:12. Amakulu gali nti YESU yafuuka ekinunulo kya bonna
abafira mu Adamu, era walibaawo okuzukkira kw’abantu bonna — Abalungi n’ababi (Ebikk.
Ebyawandiikibwa kye biva byongeera okulungamya nti “Abantu bonna
nga bwe bafira mu Adamu, bwekityo, mu Kuristo, bonna mmwe balifuukira abalamu.”
— 1 Abokkolinso 15:21-22. Abantu bonna bakuzuukira, bagye bawulire Amazima, kye
kisa kya Katonda.
Yesu yategeeza lwatu nti “bonna abali mu ntaana baliwulira
eddobozi lye n’ebazivamu (Abalungi n’ababi) — nti abo abakolanga ebirungi
balizukirira obulamu naye abakolanga ebitasana balizukirira omusango (Okuyiga
obutukkirivu, empisa n’amateeka ga Katonda — Isaaya 26:9) — Yokaana 5:28-29.”
YESU agabye nti bonna bali mu ntaana — kufa so si mu Ggulu oba muliro gwa
Geyeena oba Puligatoli ! Muntu ki awakanya ebigambo bya Yesu, oba Banabbi ba
Katonda ???
Amagombe gakusigala nga makalu kuba bonna abali mu ntaana
bakuvamu — abarungi n’ababai, olwo zisigale nga nkalu. Ekyawandikibwa kitukirire
nti entaana/ okufa yakusanyawo — Kosea 13:14. Eno y’esinbuko y’amazima, era
tulaba banaffe ababula bangi olwengyigiriza za sitani, omulimba okuva
olubereberye ! Abantu bonna ba kugya mu Bwakabaka bwa Katonda wano ku nsi,
bayambibwe okumala emyaka lukumi, bawebwe omukisa okulondako ku butukkirivu
n’obubi, olwo ababi bagende mu kufa okw’okubiri, okutalina suubi lya kuzuukira!
— Okubik. 20:6, 22:17.

“A Plan of Ages, which he formed for the
ANOINTED Jesus our Lord”
— Eph. 3:11, Emp. Diag.
“Write down the Vision and make it plain upon tables that every
one may read it fluently.”
— Hab. 2:2-3 L.T.
The 3 Worlds
— 2 Peter 3:5-13
to All Christians from all
GWA BAIBULI nga gwabwerere!
You can write to us or Call us:
Uganda Bible Students,
P.O. Box 28734 Kampala,
(+256) 0753 116 202 /
0776 116202
Or 0782 318 033
FIND THE TRUTH ! … John 17:17
Math.25:6: “Behold the Bridegroom …”
1. Why does God permit Evil/ Satan to do
(Lwaki Katonda owekisa aleka Satan okukola
2. The Most Holy Faith — the Faith which was
delivered to all Saints.
(Okukkiriza okutukuvu enyo - Okwaweebwa
abatukuvu ba Katonda.)
The study of Bible Covenants.
(Okuyiga Endagaano Za Katonda mu baibuli)
Church History— The Seven Churches and
Seven Angels; Rev. 2
(Ekanisa Omusanvu ne
Bamalayika baazo Musanvu
Okubikkulirwa 2)
The Armageddon & The End of the World.
(Olutalo ddekabusa era
olwenkomerero y’ensi)
Tongues, Miracles, Visions and Prophesying.
(Ebyamagero, Okulabikirwa, Okwogera mu nnimi
era n’Obwanabbi)
The TRUE Christian Baptism!
(Okubatizibwa okuli mu byawandikibwa, okw’amazima.)
And many others (Nebirala)!!!!
Desiring to obtain God’s blessing but indifferent in doing His will results in
failure. Serving and improving the life conditions of your fellow men towards
God, is one source of God’s blessing. Therefore, desiring to spread God’s
Message of life but thinking you are too busy with work of whatever sort, poor
to give financial support as you may not have enough for food, or you are not
talented to speak, or feeling bodily imperfection that a person may ask you what
you can not explain; yes in whatever form of constraint: We advise you to
consider the many and varied opportunities the LORD of heaven has placed before
you to serve your fellow men and women; Example, obtain copies of this monthly
Newsletter — look at People interested in God’s word around you; at work place,
home, neighbors, at your church, sending a copy to mother, father, friends &
relatives in different places of the Country. Those who could promote this work
in other right way, the opportunity stands. Yes, how refreshing and motivating
you may contribute to changing Peoples lives, and yourself be God’s righteous
Servant in the belief of Christ and the TRUTH.
Growth in faith is
a desired state of Christian for desired fruitage of Christ likeness; But this
must be in line with the will of God as expressed in 1 Thess. 5:21 KJV — “Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good.” In line with this exhortation we
advise all who are earnest students of Scriptures and our Newsletter, to prove
all our studies with the only standard given by God (Isaiah 34:16) and please
communicate to us! It is also, our privilege to share the message of God’s love
with others; hence we advise those who received the first publications to share
them with God’s People.
Christ’s Kingdom is a monthly
Publication by Uganda Bible Students:
enquiries and subscriptions to be addressed to:
The Editor, Christ’s Kingdom, P. O. Box 28734, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 / 0776 116 202.
You can visit for more on
Bible studies.