Isaiah 25:1 |
September 2009 |
LORD IN ZION – The News of Life. Obadiah 21
Prepare the
Table, Watch in the Watchtower, Eat, Drink ...
Isaiah 21:5 |
This is a monthly Christian
Newsletter and hereby state the object of its publication: That we are living in
the last days — the end of the
Gospel age; as well as the dawning of the long prayed for Kingdom of Christ in
power; are facts not only discernible by the close Student of the word, led by
the Spirit; but the outward signs recognizable by the world, bear the same
testimony: And we are desirous that the “household of Faith” be fully awake. Not
only help awaken but to assist them to “put on the whole Armor of God that they
may be able to stand in this evil day”. And beside all this, that giving all
diligence, they add to their Faith, Virtue, and to virtue, Knowledge,
Self-control, Patience, Godliness, brotherly Kindness, and Love; whom trust in
the merit of Christ’s Sacrifice for the world. Luke 21:36; Matt. 6:10; Eph.6:13;
2 Peter 1:4-11
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Ps. 30:5
“For the
creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who
hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be
delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the
children of God.”
— Rom. 8:20-21
“BEHOLD the Lamb of
God” was a cry of happiness by John the Baptist — “The KINGDOM of God is at
hand” was said by the Lamb himself — and “Behold the Christ’s KINGDOM” is our
cry today. “The Divine Plan of the Ages” suggests a progression in the Divine
arrangement, foreknown to our God and orderly. The period in which sin is
permitted has been a dark night to humanity, never to be forgotten; but the
glorious day of righteousness and divine favor, to be ushered in by Messiah,
who, as the Sun of Righteousness, shall arise and shine fully and clearly into
and upon all, bringing healing and blessing, will more than counterbalance the
dreadful night of weeping, sighing, pain, sickness and death, in which the
groaning creation has been so long. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy
cometh in the MORNING.”
Psalm 30:5;
Rom. 8:19,22
As though
by instinct, the whole creation, while it groans and travails in pain, waits
for, longs for and hopes for the DAY, calling it the Golden Age; yet men grope
blindly, because not aware of the great Jehovah’s gracious purposes. But their
highest conceptions of such an age fall far short of what the reality will be.
The great Creator is preparing a “feast of fat things,” which will astound
his creatures, and be exceedingly, abundantly beyond what they could
reasonably ask or expect. And to his wondering creatures, looking at the
length and breadth, the height and depth of the love of God, surpassing all
expectation, he explains: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your
ways my ways, saith the Lord; for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so
are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah. 55:8,9
It will be a relief
to the perplexed child of God to notice that the Prophet Isaiah foretells this
very condition of things, and its remedy, saying: “Behold, the darkness shall
cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon
thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles [heathen] shall
come to thy light.” (Isaiah.
60:2,3) In this prophecy, the gross darkness is lighted by the
bow of promise: “The Gentiles [the nations of earth in general] shall come to
thy light.” Not only have the continued misery and darkness of the world, and
the slow progress of truth, been a mystery to the Church, but the world itself
has known and felt its condition. Like that which enveloped Egypt, it has been a
darkness that could be felt.
Those who will turn
away from the mere speculations of men, and devote time to searching the
Scriptures, not excluding reason, which God invites us to use (Isa.
1:18), will find that a blessed bow of promise spans the heavens.
It is a mistake to suppose that those without faith, and consequent
justification, should be able to apprehend clearly the truth: it is not for
such. The Psalmist says, “Light [truth] is sown for the righteous.” (Psa.
97:11) For the child of God a lamp is provided whose light
dispels from his pathway much of the darkness. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.” (Psa.
119:105) But it is only “the path of the just” that “is as the
shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Prov.
4:18) Actually, there is none just, “none righteous, no, not one”
3:10); the class referred to is "justified by faith." It is the
privilege only of this class to walk in the pathway that shines more and more—to
see not only the present unfoldings of God’s plan, but also things to come.
While it is true that the path of each individual believer is a shining one, yet
the special application of this statement is to the just (justified) as a class.
Patriarchs, prophets, apostles and saints of the past and present have walked in
its increasing light; and the light will continue to increase beyond the
present—“unto the perfect day.” It is one continuous path, and the one
continuous and increasing light is the Divine Record, illuminating as it becomes
“Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous,” expecting the fulfilment of this promise.
Many have so little faith that they do not look for more light, and, because of
their unfaithfulness and unconcern, they are permitted to sit in darkness, when
they might have been walking in the increasing light. The Spirit of God, given
to guide the Church into truth, will take of the things written and show them
unto us; but beyond what is written we need nothing, for the Holy Scriptures are
able to make wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Tim. 3:15
While it is
still true that “darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people,” the
world is not always to remain in this condition.
We are assured that “the morning cometh.” (Isaiah
60:2; 21:12) As now God causes the natural sun to shine upon the
just and the unjust, so the Sun of Righteousness will, in the Millennial day,
shine for the benefit of all the world, and “bring to light the hidden things of
darkness.” (1
Cor. 4:5) It will dispel the noxious vapors of evil, and bring
life, health, peace and joy.
And when
the gospel which Jesus taught came to be understood after Pentecost, it was seen
by the Church that the blessings for the world were to be of an enduring
character, and that for the accomplishment of this purpose the Kingdom would be
spiritual, and composed of Israelites indeed, a “little flock” selected from
among both Jews and Gentiles to be exalted to spiritual nature and power (Eph.
3:5-6). Hence we read that Jesus brought life and immortality to light
through the gospel. (2
Tim. 1:10) And since Jesus’ day yet more light shines, as he
foretold it would, saying, “I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot
bear them now: howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth...and he will show you things to come.”
John 16:12,13
There came a time,
however, after the apostles fell asleep, when the majority of the Church began
to neglect the lamp, and to look to human teachers for leading: and the
teachers, puffed up with pride, assumed titles and offices, and began to lord it
over God’s heritage. Then by degrees there came into existence a special class
called “the clergy,” who regarded themselves, and were regarded by others, as
the proper guides to faith and practice, aside from the Word of God. Thus in
time the great system of Papacy was developed by an undue respect for the
teachings of fallible men and a neglect of the Word of the infallible God.
“The Son of man is come... to save that which was
lost.”— Luke 19:10
The words
reconciliation, refreshing and restoration imply that something is to be gained
back or saved from that which was once lost. All that Adam possessed was lost
through disobedience—both for himself and his posterity—a perfect garden home,
happiness, communion with God, health, and life itself. Jesus came to save and
restore that which was lost—to restore the earth and to restore man to his
original state of human perfection and communion with God. All this is implied
in the word saved. For this reason, the Apostle Peter stated to the early
Church: “...the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord...
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which
God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy Prophets since the world began.”
Acts 3:19-21
What was Lost Through the Disobedience of
One (1st Adam):
— |
Perfection of Life:
Dominion over the Earth:
Peace of Mind without
Health & the Vitality of
Communion with God:
Sustained Life from Every
Tree of the Garden:
Communion with the Animal
Kingdom: |
2:17; Genesis 3:3; Ezekiel 18:4
Genesis 1:26-28
Genesis 3:10; Luke 21:25, 26
Genesis 3:19; Job 33:19-22; Psalms
Genesis 2:8, 15; Genesis 3:23, 24
Genesis 3:24; Habakkuk 1:13
Ecclesiastes 2:22, 23; Proverbs 14:12, 13
Genesis 1:29; Genesis 2:9
Genesis 2:19 |
What is Gained by the Obedience and Death
of One (the 2nd Adam):
Perfection of Life:
Dominion over the Earth:
Peace of Mind without
Health & the Vitality of
Communion with God:
Sustained Life from Every
Tree of the Garden:
Communion with the Animal
— Man will be on Earth with animals. |
22:17; Romans 6:23; I Corinthians 15:22
Psalms 8:5-8; Psalms 37:9, 11
Psalm 72:7; Isaiah 2:4; 14:3; 35:4
Isaiah 35:5, 6, 10; Job 33:25
Isaiah 35:1, 6; Ezekiel 36:35
Jeremiah 31:34; Ephesians 1:10
Isaiah 35:10; Revelation 21:4
Psalm 85:12; Micah 4:4; Revelation 22:2
Isaiah 11:6-8; Job 5:22, 23 |
The human family
once possessed a perfect mental, moral and physical nature as represented in the
person of Adam their father/head. Beautiful and majestic in form, God-like
in the mental and moral qualities of his being (in God’s image) and commissioned
to be the King or God over all earthly creatures (“In our likeness let
him have dominion over the beasts, foul, fish,” etc.) Adam stands before
us as the picture of human perfection. He passes the inspection of the
great Jehovah and is pronounced a “very good” man. He was not a God—no it
had not been God’s purpose to make another God, but a man: “Let us make
man in our image.” We should not suppose that to be mentally and morally
in God’s image means that we will have the same mental and moral capacity; but,
our justice, mercy, love, truth, and powers of reasoning, deciding, etc., while
limited in capacity are the same in kind, as the justice, love, etc., of God, so
that he can say to us: “Come let us reason together.” But before Adam had
ever learned to use his powers fully, sin entered, and death followed, degrading
and destroying by its various agencies of sickness and vice the once noble form,
and the perfection of his intellectual and moral faculties.
We have seen that
God foresaw the necessity of this victory of evil over man, that he might learn
forever the lesson, that sin and death go hand in hand and both are his enemies;
while obedience to God and life and happiness are indissolubly connected, and
that God is his true and best friend. We see God, the loving Father, permitting
evil for man’s good and taking advantage of its presence to prove to man His
unalterable character, “the exceeding sinfulness of sin,” the Justice of
His Laws, the boundlessness of His mercy, “The exceeding riches of His
grace,” and “the great Love wherewith He loved us,” by redeeming us
from all sin through Jesus Christ. We have seen too, how that as through one
man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall
the many be made righteous, (just) (Rom.
5:19), and that in His due time God intends to bring all
men back to the condition of perfect manhood where they will again be “very
good.” This is restitution, the restoring to mankind of the power,
qualities, and things lost through the first Adam.
“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth
for the manifestation of the sons of God.”
— Rom. 8:19
We next inquire, who
will be restored?
And answer all of
Adam’s family except (1) “The Bride” of Christ, (2) “The Virgins her companions
follow her,” and (3) the few who commit the unpardonable sin, sinning willfully,
after that they have received the knowledge of the truth, and who count the
blood of the covenant wherewith they were sanctified an unholy thing. (Heb.
10:26-29.) These three classes have made a covenant with God by
which they renounced their rights to the benefits of restitution and the perfect
fleshly condition. They declare that they will take up their cross and follow
Jesus. Instead of living with the world they will become dead to the world.
Instead of expecting a restitution of the flesh, they agree to crucify the
flesh. Why do they make this covenant? Because of the joy set before them in
God’s part of the covenant, which is, if they thus die with Jesus to all earthly
interests they shall be joint-heirs with him to a heavenly inheritance. If with
Him we give up and crucify the human nature, we shall be made partakers with Him
of the divine nature. Those who do not enter this covenant to crucify the human
nature retain it and will be raised and restored to human perfection. Another
thought is that now is the time to suffer and die with Him. It cannot be done in
the next age. For there is no death there, neither sorrow nor suffering
— for the former things are passed away.
This is the age of sin and evil and crucifying; the next will be for Glory and
Restitution. (Rev.
21:4.) True, the restored family may come to the fountain and
drink of the river of water of life freely, have an abundant supply of their
life, yet it will be different from having immortality as a fountain of life,
“springing up in YOU” so that you will never thirst, neither need come to that
river to refresh yourself or to continue your life.
Ezekiel 47:1-12.
“Whosoever will, let him take the water of life
Rev. 22:17.
Referring to the
description of the river starting from the Temple, Prof. Davidson says, “The
natural fact upon which this conception rests is this, that there was a fountain
connected with the Temple hill, the waters of which fell into the valley east of
the city, and made their way toward the sea.” So far as we may know, this
fountain never was of any considerable size, and never would be, without more or
less of a miracle, for at present the entire country is arid, except in the
rainy season. From this fountain the Valley of Kedron leads directly to the Dead
Sea, which, as is well known, has no connection with the ocean waters, either on
the surface or subterraneously, and is 1,308 feet below the sea level.
Returning to the
Ezekiel’s vision, we note that the waters flowed out from the house of the Lord,
from the Temple, and that wherever they went they brought vitality and
refreshment, healing, restitution life — even to the Dead Sea. This, to our
understanding, is a picture of the grace of God during the Messianic age, when
from the Church, the house of God, the Temple, “the habitation of God
through the spirit” (Eph.
2:22), the stream of the water of life, healing, restoring,
rejuvenating, shall flow to all the families of the earth, whose condition is
represented by the wilderness eastward of Jerusalem! The result will be the
blessing and restitution of all the living families of the earth willing to
receive the blessing. And it means more: for the Dead Sea fitly represents the
vast multitude of mankind which has gone into the tomb, and the
water of life shall reach even these and bring to them also awakening from
death, opportunities of restitution!!!
That the fulfilment
of this vision could not be a thing of the past nor of the present is evident
when we remember that the house of God, the Temple, the Church, is not yet
completed — that the present is the time in which the Lord is fitting the
“living stones” for the Temple, — is chiseling, fitting and polishing each for
the place to which he is called. The present Gospel age was typified in the
building of Solomon’s Temple, by the period of preparation of the materials,
after which we are informed that the whole house came together quickly, each
stone fitting to its place and each timber to its position, and that without the
sound of a hammer or any tool of iron. So with the “living stones,” as the
Apostle Peter calls the Church. (1
Pet. 2:5.) These are “builded together for a habitation of God
through the spirit,” and the building will not be completed until the
last of these fitted and polished stones is laid in its position. Then the glory
of the Lord shall fill the house — the Church will be glorified. Then will have
come the time represented in this vision, when the stream of the water of life,
truth and grace shall flow from the glorified Temple.
As there is no
completed Temple yet, so there is no river yet; but when the Temple is
completed, when the various members of the body of Christ are brought together
and united in glory, honor and immortality to the Head of the Church, then from
this united and glorified company of God’s elect shall flow the symbolic river
of water of life, clear as crystal. In each member of this Temple class, in each
of these “living stones,” already is a well-spring of truth and grace, and when
these many well-springs shall have thus been united to the great Head and
Fountain, the result naturally will be a stream of good proportions, — a
river. To this coming time of blessing of the world our Lord refers,
saying, “He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly
shall flow rivers of living water.” (John
7:38.) In order to be of this class in whom the great river of
water of life will take its start, it is necessary, first, that the believer
shall now come unto Jesus and drink of him, the great Fountain of life; and it
will be as a result of this partaking of the great Fountain that all of the
elect Church shall become minor well-springs and fountains in due time.
Turning to the
description of this same symbolic river furnished us in the Book of
Revelation (Chapter 22),
we find abundant evidences that it does not refer to the present time, but to
the Messianic age. For instance, it is symbolically pictured as having trees of
life on either side, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations — not for
the healing of the Church, which at this time is the glorified Temple from which
this river proceeds. This healing of the nations signifies, as plainly as a
symbolic picture could indicate it, restitution, — the healing of
the woes of the groaning creation, its sin and sickness and imperfection.
We notice also that
the proclamation which will then be made will not be restricted, as at the
present time, to “even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” (Acts
2:39.) It will not be to an “elect” class; it will no longer be
said, “No man can come unto me, except the Father draw him.” The call at that
time will be general — to every creature — “Whosoever will, let him take the
water of life freely.” We notice further that that broad invitation is extended
by God through the holy spirit and the glorified Church, as it is written, “The
spirit and the bride say, Come!” We notice further that this expression, “the
bride,” unquestionably places this call in the future, because, although the
elect Church of this Gospel age is called out from the world to become the bride
of Christ, she does not become such, does not enter that exalted station, until
in the end of the age she is perfected in glory and in the likeness of her Lord.
Then will come “the marriage of the Lamb,” and not until after the marriage will
there be a bride; and not until after the bride has thus been accepted as such
can “the spirit and the bride say, Come!” to the nations — the Gentiles.
This same glorious
City (Kingdom), the glorified New Jerusalem, the Church, and the river of the
water of life gushing forth therefrom, are brought to our attention in
Psalm 46:
“There is a river, the rivulets of which shall spring from the City of
God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of
her; she shall not be moved. God shall help her early in the morning.”— The
glorious city of peace! The connections here also show that these
rivulets are not to be expected to flow out as a river, until the Millennial
morning, and the context refers particularly to the time of trouble with which
the present age shall end and the Millennial morning shall be introduced.
Those whom the Lord our God
has called, and who, in obedience to that call, have come to Jesus, the Fountain
of life, and through him have tasted that the Lord is gracious, should let the
Word and grace of God dwell in them richly and abound, making them neither
barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord and in his service. It is for
these to seek enlargement in the grace of God, that as well-springs they may be
deeper and wider and more and more filled to overflowing with that grace and
truth which came by Jesus Christ. It is for these to see to it, each for
himself, that he has not received the grace of God in vain, and that this
well-spring does not become choked with the rubbish of this present evil world,
its aims, its hopes, its ambitions, its pride, its desires of the flesh—that
thus, under divine providence and supervision, we may be made meet for the
inheritance of the saints in light, and have fellowship with our glorious Lord
and Head in the sending forth of the river of salvation unto the ends of the
earth in “due time” — the river of the water of life, clear as crystal,
to whosoever will of all the families of the earth. —2
Pet. 1:4-11;
2 Cor. 6:1;
Col. 1:12;
1 John 1:3.
“…, Nti era n’ebitonde (abantu)
byennyini nabyo biriweebwa eddembe okuva mu kufugibwa okuvunda (okubonaabona)
okuyingira mu ddembe ery’ekitiibwa ky’abaana ba Katonda”!!
— Abaruumi 8:20-21
LABA Omwana gw’endiga ya Katonda! — bwatyo Yokaana omubatiza bwe
yategeeza n’essanyu okulanga Kristo; Mwenenye kuba OBWAKABAKA bwa Katonda
busembedde - bwatyo Kristo bweyategeeza; Era Laba Obwakabaka bwa Kristo, naffe
bwetutegeeza!. Enteekateeka ya Katonda gye yateesa edda, entambula nga bwe ya
giteekateeka..Ekitundu kyayo, ekirimu amaanyi g’ekibi nga Katonda bwe ya kkiriza,
Kibadde kiseera kizito nnyo eri abaana b’abantu — era ekiseera kino
tekiryerabirwa emirembe gyonna! Naye olunaku olw’omukisa n’obutuukirivu
lunakeerera abaana b’abantu!! era kwe kwolesebwa kw’OBWAKABAKA bwa KRISTO mu
maanyi n’ekitiibwa! — nga enjuba eyaka mu maanyi gayo emirundi musanvu,
era omusana gw’enjiri y’obulamu gwaakire bonna mu buli kanyomero k’ensi; Era
Kristo wa kwoleesa amaanyi ag’obuyinza — okusokeera ddala okujja abantu
mu magombe, okubanaaliza ddala n’okubajjako ennaku ku mitima gyabwe, okubaleeta
mu ddembe ly’abaana ba Katonda — Kyawandiikibwa nti nga bonna bwe bafa mu
Adamu, bwe kityo bonna balibeera balamu mu Kristo, ate era yafiirira abantu
bonna, so nga Katonda ye mulokozi w’abantu bonna era alireeta abantu bonna
okulokolebwa n’okutegeerera ddala AMAZIMA!! — Abaruumi 8:19-22, 1.
Abakolinso 15:21-22, 1. Timusewo 2:3-6. Kituufu nnyo ekyawandiikibwa
omuddu wa Kantonda nti “Amaziga wozzi gabeerawo ekiro, naye essanyu lijja obudde
nga Bukedde” Zabbuli 30:5.
Nga bwe
kyategeezebwa era bwekiri kati nti “Kubanga tumanyi ng’ebitonde byonna bisinda
era birumirwa wamu okutuusa kaakano” (Abaruumi 8:22) — tunuulira okufa,
endwadde, obubenje ku makubo ne mubbanga, obukyayi ne kisaddaaka bantu, enjala
n’e biwoobe — okusinda okwenkanidde awo! Naye nga abantu bali mu kizikiza
— obutamanya enteekateeka ya Katonda ow’ekisa eky’ekitalo. Naye Omutonzi
wa byonna era Kitange mu ggulu, ateekateeka “EKIJJULO EKYA SSAVA” eky’ekitalo,
ekiryewuunyisa buli kitonde ku nsi, era abaana b’abantu balyewuunya ey’abatonda!
Kuba alibawa n’okusinga kyebali balowoozeza okumusaba — mu BWAKABAKA BWA
KRISTO. Era nga ebitonde bye biwuniikiridde olwo’buwanvu n’obugazi n’obuzito
bw’okwaagala kwa Katonda wamu n’obwekanya bwe, Mweene kwe kutegeeza nti “…, Kuba
eggulu nga bwe lisinga ensi obugulumivu, amakubo gange bwegasinga bwe gatyo
amakubo gammwe, n’ebirowoozo byange ebirowoozo byammwe” Isaaya 55:8-9
Isaaya 60:2-3 yalanga embeera eno- “Kubanga laba, ekizikiza kiribikka ku nsi
n’ekizikiza ekikutte kiribikka ku mawanga: Naye Mukama alikuviirayo n’ekitiibwa
kye kirirabikira ku ggwe. N’amawanga galijja eri omusana gwo, ne bakabaka
balijja eri okumasamasa kwo ng’ovaayo”. Kale banaggwanga (abatamanyi Katonda
kati) balijja eri omusana kuba buli muntu aliwebwa omukisa okujja eri AMAZIMA (abaana
abafa nga bato, bajjajjaffe abaafa nga tebawulidde ku linya lya Yesu kuba Kabaka
Muteesa yayita abazungu luvanyuma - tunuulira abantu abaafa nga Yesu
tanazaalibwa ku nsi, wewaawo bangi tebawuliranga njiri) 1. Abakolinso
15:21-22, 1. Timusewo 2:3-6.
“Omwana w’omuntu yajja … n’okulokola
ekyo ekyabula” Luke 19:10
byonna Adamu byeyalina yabifiirwa olw’obujeemu, eri ye n’ezaddelye —
Amaka ag’eyagaza mu lusuku lwa Katonda, essanyu, okuwuliziganya ne Katonda we
n’obulamu. Yesu yajja okuzzaawo ebyo bye twafiirwa olw’obujeemu bwa jjajjaffe
Adamu — Okuzzaawo ensi eno okuba ng’olusuku Adeni (Ezekyeeri 36:35)
n’okuzzaawo omuntu okuba mu kifaananyi kya Katonda. Kino Omutume Petero kya
kakasa mu Ebik.3:19-22 — “Kale MWENENYE, mukyuuke,
ebibi byammwe bisangulibwe, ebiro eby’okuwummuzibwa mu maaso ga Mukama bituuke;
naye atume Kristo eyabaawulirwa edda, ye Yesu, eyagwanyizibwa
okutwaalibwa mu ggulu okutuusa mu biro eby’okulolongoosezaamu byonna,
Katonda bye yayogerera mu kamwa ka bannabbi be abatukuvu abaaliwo okuva ku
lubereberye”. Yee, ekiseera kino kitandika nga Yesu amaze okudda ku nsi
era nga akunganyiza abalonde be, era bwatyo OKUTEKAWO OBWAKABAKA BWE mu maanyi (Matayo
6:10, Okubik 5:9-10, 20:6). Mu kiseera ky’obufuzi bwa Kristo wano ku nsi, abantu
banayiga obutuukirivu n’obwekanya bwa Katonda — kuba Katonda alireeta
abantu bonna okulokorebwa n’okutegeerera ddala AMAZIMA (1.Timusewo 2:4).
Ekiseera ekyo, Yeremiya 31:34 akyogerako: “Nga olwo omuntu takyayigiriza munne
na buli muntu muganda we nga boogera nti Manya Mukama: kubanga bonna balimanya,
okuva ku muto ku bo okutuuka ku mukulu ku bo, bw’ayogera Mukama: kubanga
ndisonyiwa obutali butuukirivu bwabwe, n’ekibi kyabwe sirikijjukira nate”!
Emyaka olukumi nga giweddeko, bonna abalijeema ne batakkiriza Kristo mu mbeera
ennungi bwetyo, ba kusanyizibwawo — kwe kufa okw’okubiri —
Byetwafiirwa olw’obujeemu bwa Adamu asooka: |
Obulamu obweyagaza
obutaliiko nkenyera:
Obwakabaka ku nsi nga Kabaka:
Eddembe eritalina kutya kwonna:
Amaanyi g’obuvubuka n’obulamu:
Amaka/Olusuku lwa Katonda:
Okusinza n’okussa ekimu ne
Essanyu erya nnamaddala:
· Emiti
egy’obulamu (ebibala byonna):
· Okussa ekimu
n’ebisolo: |
3:3; Ezekyeeri 18:4
Olub.3:10; Lukka 21:25-26
Olub.3:19; Job 33:19-22, Zabbuli 90:8-10
Olub.2:8,15; 3:23-24
Olub.3:24; Kabakukku 1:13
Omubulizi 2:22-23; Engeero 14:12-13
Olub.1:29; 2:9
Olub.2:19 |
Ebinazibwawo era ebyanunulibwa olw’obuwulize n’okufa kwa Yesu (Adamu
owokubiri): |
Obulamu obweyagaza
obutaliiko nkenyera:
· Obwakabaka ku
nsi nga Kabaka:
· Eddembe
eritalina kutya kwonna:
· Amaanyi
g’obuvubuka n’obulamu:
· Amaka/Olusuku
lwa Katonda:
Okusinza n’okussa ekimu ne
· Essanyu erya
· Emiti
egy’obulamu (ebibala byonna):
· Okussa ekimu
n’ebisolo: |
Okubik.22:17; Abaru.6:23; 1.Abakolinso 15:22
Zabbuli 8:5-8; 37:9,11
Zabbuli 72:7; Isaaya 2:4; 14:3; 35:4
Isaaya 35:5,6,10; Yobu 33:25
Isaaya 35:1,6; Ezekyeri 36:35
Yeremiya 31:34; Abefeso 1:10
Isaaya 35:10; Okubik.21:4
Zabbuli 85:12; Mikka 4:4, Okubik.22:2
Isaaya 11:6-8; Yobu 5:22,23 |
nti Katonda yamanya era n’alaba omugaso gw’amaanyi g’ekibi eri omuntu, omuntu
ayige omusomo emirembe gyonna nti ekibi n’okufa bigendera wamu era balabe ba
Katonda; Nti obuwulize eri Katonda n’obulamu bigendera wamu era bisanyussa
Katonda. Tulaba Katonda yakkiriza ekibi okunyweza omuntu olw’obulungi bw’omuntu
— Nti Katonda takyuukakyuuka, obuzito bw’empeera y’obujeemu, obwenkanya
bwa’mateeka ga Katonda, ekisa kya Katonda ekitalojjeka bwe yatununula mu maanyi
g’ekibi n’amagombe, ah — okwaagala kwa Katonda kwe ya twaagala (Yokana
3:16). Era tulabye ng’olw’obutawulira bw’omuntu omu oli abangi (bonna)
bwe baafuuka ababi, bwe kityo n’olw’okuwulira kw’oyo omu abangi balifuuka
abatuukirivu (Abaruumi 5:19).
“Kubanga okutunuulira ennyo
okw’ebitonde kulindirira okubikkulirwa kw’abaana ba Katonda”
Abaruumi 8:19
Ezekyeeri 47:1-12
“Ayagala atwale amazzi ag’obulamu buwa”
Ezekyeeri mukwolesebwa kwe: yalaba amazzi nga gatandikira era gava mu nju ya
Mukama, Yekaalu; Era amazzi yonna gye ga kulukutira galeeta obulamu,
okuwonyezebwa wamu nokuza obuggya/okulongoosa okutuuka ku nnyanja efu. Kino
kitegeeza era kiraga ekisa kya Katonda mu Bwakabaka bwa Kristo; Nga
Ekkanisa – Yekaalu ya Katonda — “Katonda mw’anatuula mu mwoyo” (Abefeso
2:22), munaava Omugga gw’amazzi amalamu — ogukulukuta nga guwonya,
guzza obuggya, guwa amaanyi abaana b’abantu ku nsi era ENSI yonna n’abagituulamu
ba kulongoosebwa, bonna abaliyagala! Era ennyanja efu eraga abafu bonna abali
emagombe, era omugga guno gwa kutuukayo okubaggya emagombe, okubalongooseza
ddala, wewaawo okutuuka mu ddembe ly’abaana ba Katonda!!.
Okutuukirira kw’okwolesebwa kwa Ezekyeeri kitegeerekeka bulungi nti kwa mu maaso
kuba Ekkanisa/ Yekaalu ya Mukama tenaggwa — Era ekiseera kino kye kyo
kuteekerateekeramu amayinja amalamu aganawangibwa mu Yekaalu ya Mukama; nga
Yekaalu bwe yazimbibwa Sulaimani bwe kiraga mu kifaananyi. Nga 1.Petero 2:5
bwakiraga nti “Era nammwe ng’amayinja amalamu muzimbibwa enyumba ey’omwoyo
okubeeranga bakabona abatukuvu, okuwangayo ssaddaaka ez’omwoyo, ezisiimibwa
Katonda ku bwa Yesu Kristo” Kale nga aboluganda bano asembayo amaze
okwegatta ku Mukama waffe, olwo Yekaalu n’eyimirira, n’okujjuzibwa n’ejjuzibwa
ekitiibwa kya Katonda!. Olwo omugga gw’obulamu ne gufuluma mu yo. Kaleno omugga
guno gwa mu maaso nga Ekkanisa ya Katonda ewedde. Era mu mayinja gano
agateekebwateekebwa, ne gawagalwa, mwe muli ensulo z’amazzi, nga Kristo bwe
yategeeza (Yokaana 7:38) era bano mu Bwakabaka bwabwe ne Kristo banavaamu amazzi
ag’obulamu eri amawanga gonna! (Okubik.22:17). Ng’amazzi (AMAZIMA n’ekisa)
gawonya endwadde, ennaku, ekibi eri abantu bonna ku nsi.
nti mu kiseera ekyo okuyitibwa okufuna obulamu kuli eri bonna (Ebik.2:39) so nga
ekiseera kino eri abo abalondemu (Yokana 6:44, Ebik.15:14). Era nga Ekkanisa
emaze okulondebwa olwo embaga y’omwana gw’endiga n’ekolebwa, era nga ewedde;
olwo Omugole ne Bba ne bayita amawanga/abantu nti Jjangu, alina ennyonta ajje,
ayagala atwaale amazzi ag’obulamu buwa!
ekibuga ekiggya, Yerusalemu mu kitiibwa, Ekkanisa, n’omugga gw’obulamu oguva mu
yo byongerwa okukakasibwa n’okutegeezebwa mu Zabuuli 46: “Waliwo
omugga, emyala gyagwo gikulukuta nga giva mu Kibuga kya Katonda, Ekifo ekitukuvu
eky’eweema z’oyo ali waggulu ennyo. Era Katonda ali mukyo.” Amina.
Abantu ba Katonda temukwatibwa sonyi ku tuwandiikira n’okwetwalira
“Omusomo gwa Baibuli ogw’obwerere”

“A Plan of Ages, which he formed for the
ANOINTED Jesus our Lord”
— Eph. 3:11, Emp. Diag.
“Write down the Vision and make it plain upon tables that every
one may read it fluently.”
— Hab. 2:2-3 L.T.
The 3 Worlds
— 2 Peter 3:5-13
to All Christians from all
GWA BAIBULI nga gwabwerere!
You can write to us or Call us:
Uganda Bible Students,
P.O. Box 28734 Kampala,
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 Or 0776
FIND THE TRUTH ! … John 17:17
Math.25:6: “Behold the Bridegroom …”
Why does God permit Evil/ Satan to do
(Lwaki Katonda owekisa aleka Satan okukola
The Most Holy Faith — the Faith which was
delivered to all Saints.
(Okukkiriza okutukuvu enyo - Okwaweebwa
abatukuvu ba Katonda.)
The study of Bible Covenants.
(Okuyiga Endagaano Za Katonda mu baibuli)
Church History— The Seven Churches and
Seven Angels; Rev. 2
(Ekanisa Omusanvu ne
Bamalayika baazo Musanvu
Okubikkulirwa 2)
The Armageddon & The End of the World.
(Olutalo ddekabusa era
olwenkomerero y’ensi)
Tongues, Miracles, Visions and Prophesying.
(Ebyamagero, Okulabikirwa, Okwogera mu nnimi
era n’Obwanabbi)
The TRUE Christian Baptism!
(Okubatizibwa okuli mu byawandikibwa, okw’amazima.)
And many others (Nebirala)!!!!
Desiring to obtain God’s blessing but indifferent in doing His will results in
failure. Serving and improving the life conditions of your fellow men towards
God, is one source of God’s blessing. Therefore, desiring to spread God’s
Message of life but thinking you are too busy with work of whatever sort, poor
to give financial support as you may not have enough for food, or you are not
talented to speak, or feeling bodily imperfection that a person may ask you what
you can not explain; yes in whatever form of constraint: We advise you to
consider the many and varied opportunities the LORD of heaven has placed before
you to serve your fellow men and women; Example, obtain copies of this monthly
Newsletter — look at People interested in God’s word around you; at work place,
home, neighbors, at your church, sending a copy to mother, father, friends &
relatives in different places of the Country. Those who could promote this work
in other right way, the opportunity stands. Yes, how refreshing and motivating
you may contribute to changing Peoples lives, and yourself be God’s righteous
Servant in the belief of Christ and the TRUTH.
Growth in faith is
a desired state of Christian for desired fruitage of Christ likeness; But this
must be in line with the will of God as expressed in 1 Thess. 5:21 KJV — “Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good.” In line with this exhortation we
advise all who are earnest students of Scriptures and our Newsletter, to prove
all our studies with the only standard given by God (Isaiah 34:16) and please
communicate to us! It is also, our privilege to share the message of God’s love
with others; hence we advise those who received the first publications to share
them with God’s People.
Christ’s Kingdom is a monthly
Publication by Uganda Bible Students:
enquiries and subscriptions to be addressed to:
The Editor, Christ’s Kingdom, P. O. Box 28734, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 / 0776 116202.
You can visit for more on
Bible studies.