Isaiah 25:1 |
June 2009 |
LORD IN ZION – The News of Life. Obadiah 21
Prepare the
Table, Watch in the Watchtower, Eat, Drink ...
Isaiah 21:5 |
This is the fourth issue of Volume 1 of the monthly Christian
publication and hereby states the object of its publication:
That we are living in the last days – the end of the Gospel age,
in the growing winter season; as well as the dawning of the long prayed for
Kingdom of Christ in power; are facts not only discernible by the close Student
of the Word, led by the Spirit; but the outward signs recognizable by the world,
bear the same testimony. And we are desirous that the “household of Faith” be
fully awake. Not only to help awaken but to assist them to “put on the whole
Armor of God that they may be able to stand in this evil day.” And beside all
this, that giving all diligence, they add to their Faith, Virtue, and to Virtue,
Knowledge, Self-control, Patience, Godliness, brotherly Kindness, and Love; who
trust in the merit of Christ’s Sacrifice for the world. Luke 21:36, Matt. 6:10,
Eph. 6:13, 2 Peter 1:4-11.
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The Restitution Guaranteed by the Ransom—Not
Everlasting Life, but a Trial for it, Secured by the Ransom—The
Conditions and Advantages of the Trial—Christ’s Sacrifice Necessary—How
the Race Could be and was Redeemed by the Death of One—Faith and Works
Still Necessary—The Wages of Wilful Sin Certain—Will
there be Room on the Earth for the Resurrected Millions?
FROM the outline of God’s revealed plan, as thus far sketched, it
is evident that his design for Mankind is a Restitution or Restoration to the
perfection and glory lost in Eden (Act 3:19-23). The strongest, and the
conclusive, evidence on this subject is most clearly seen when the extent and
nature of the Ransom
are fully appreciated. The Restitution foretold by the apostles and prophets
must follow the Ransom as the just and logical sequence. According to God’s
arrangement in providing a ransom, all mankind, unless they wilfully resist the
saving power of the great Deliverer, must be delivered from the original
penalty, “the bondage of corruption,” death, else the ransom does not avail for
all (1Tim. 2:6).
We do well when we hearken
to and obey the sure word of prophecy in Rom. 5:12, 19-21 thus:
“…For as by one man’s disobedience
many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
… That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through
righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Yes, we are very sure!!!
“For since by man [came] death, by
man [came] also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive…”
1 Cor.15:21-23
Paul’s reasoning on the subject is most clear and emphatic. He says (Rom. 14:9),
“For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord [ruler,
controller] of both the dead and the living.” That is to say, the object of our
Lord’s death and resurrection was not merely to bless and rule over and restore
the living of mankind, but to give him authority over, or full control of, the
dead as well as the living, insuring the benefits of his ransom as much to the
as to the other. He “gave himself a ransom [a corresponding price] for all,” in
order that he might bless all, and give to every man an individual trial for
life. To claim that he gave “ransom for all,” and yet to claim that only
a mere handful of the ransomed ones will ever receive any benefit from it, is
absurd; for it would imply either that God accepted the ransom-price and then
unjustly refused to grant the release of the redeemed, or else that the Lord,
after redeeming all, was either unable or unwilling to carry out the original
benevolent design. The unchangeableness of the divine plans, no less than the
perfection of the divine justice and love, repels and contradicts such a
thought, and gives us assurance that the original and benevolent plan, of which
the “ransom for all” was the basis, will be fully carried out in God’s “due
time,” and will bring to faithful believers the blessing of release from the
Adamic condemnation and an opportunity to return to
the rights and liberties of sons of God, as enjoyed before sin and the curse. (1
Tim. 2:3-6, Rom. 8:19-22)
the actual benefits and results of the ransom be clearly seen, and all
objections to its being of universal application must vanish. The “ransom for
all” given by “the man Christ Jesus” does not give or guarantee everlasting life
or blessing to any man; but it does guarantee to every man another opportunity
or trial for life everlasting. The first trial of man, which resulted in the
loss of the blessings at first conferred, is really turned into a blessing of
experience to the loyal-hearted, by reason of the ransom which God has provided.
But the fact that men are ransomed from the first
penalty does not guarantee that they may not, when individually tried for
everlasting life, fail to render the obedience without which none will be
permitted to live everlastingly. Man, by reason of present experience with sin
and its bitter penalty, will be fully forewarned; and when, as a result of the
ransom, he is granted another, an individual trial, under the eye and control of
him who so loved him as to give his life for him, and who would not that any
should perish, but that all should turn to God and live (Rom. 8:19-22), we may
be sure that only the wilfully disobedient will receive the penalty of the
second trial. That penalty will be the second death, from which there will be no
ransom, no release, because there would be no object for another ransom or a
further trial. All will have fully seen and tasted both good and evil; all will
have witnessed and experienced the goodness and love of God; all will have had a
full, fair, individual trial for life, under most favorable conditions. More
could not be asked, and more will not be given. That trial will decide forever
who would be righteous and holy under a thousand trials; and it will determine
also who would be unjust, and unholy and filthy still, under a thousand trials.
It would be useless to grant another trial for life under exactly the same
circumstances; but though the circumstances of the tried ones will be different,
more favorable, the terms or conditions of their individual trial for life will
be the same as in the Adamic trial. The law of God will remain the same—it
changes not. It will still say, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” and the
condition of man will be no more favorable, so far as surroundings are
concerned, than the conditions and surroundings in Eden; but the great
difference will be the increased knowledge. The experience with evil, contrasted
with the experience with good, which will accrue to each during the trial of the
coming age, will constitute the advantage by reason of which the results of the
second trial will differ so widely from the results of the first, and on account
of which divine Wisdom and Love provided the “ransom for all,” and thus
guaranteed to all
the blessing of a new trial. No more
favorable trial, no more favorable law, no more favorable conditions or
circumstances, can in any way be conceived of as reasons for another ransom or a
further trial for any beyond the Millennial Age (Christ’s Kingdom —
Rev. 5:9-10, 20:6).
The ransom given does not excuse sin in
any; it does not propose to count sinners as saints, and usher them thus
into everlasting bliss. It merely releases the accepting sinner from the first
condemnation and its results, both direct and indirect, and places him again on
trial for life, in which trial his own wilful obedience or wilful disobedience
will decide whether he may or may not have life everlasting. Nor should it be
assumed, as so many seem disposed to assume, that all those who live in a state
of civilization, and see or possess a Bible, have thus a full opportunity or
trial for life. It must be remembered that the fall has not injured all of
Adam’s children alike. Some have come into the world so weak and depraved as to
be easily blinded by the god of this world, Satan, and led captive by besetting
and surrounding sin; and all are more or less under this influence, so that,
even when they would do good, evil is present and more powerful through
surroundings, etc., and the good which they would do is almost impossible, while
the evil which they would not do is almost unavoidable.
Small indeed is the number of those who in the
present time truly and experimentally learn of the liberty wherewith Christ
makes free those who accept of his ransom, and put themselves under his control
for future guidance. Yet only these few, the Church, called out and tried
beforehand for the special purpose of being co-workers with God in blessing the
world—witnessing now, and ruling, blessing and judging the world in its age of
trial—yet enjoy to any extent the benefits of the ransom, or are now on
trial for life.
These few
have reckoned to them (and they receive by faith) all the
blessings of restitution which will be provided for the world during the coming
age. These, though not perfect, not restored to Adam’s condition actually, are
treated in such a manner as to compensate for the difference. Through faith in
Christ they are reckoned perfect, and hence are restored to perfection
and to divine favor, as though no longer sinners. Their imperfections and
unavoidable weaknesses, being offset by the ransom, are not imputed to them, but
are covered by the Redeemer’s perfection. Hence the Church’s trial, because of
her reckoned standing in Christ, is as fair as that which the world will have in
its time of trial. The world will all be brought to a full knowledge of the
truth, and each one, as he accepts of its provisions and conditions, will be
treated no longer as a sinner, but as a son, for whom all the blessings of
restitution are intended (1Tim. 2:3-6). One difference between the experiences
of the world under trial and the experiences of the Church during her trial will
be that the obedient of the world will begin at once to receive the blessings of
restitution by a gradual removal of their weaknesses—mental and physical;
whereas the Gospel Church, consecrated to the Lord’s service even unto death,
goes down into death and gets her perfection instantaneously in the first
resurrection (Rev. 20:6). Another difference between the two trials is in the
more favorable surroundings of the next age as compared with this, (2 Pet. 3:13)
in that then society, government, etc., will be favorable to righteousness,
rewarding faith and obedience, and punishing sin; whereas now, under the prince
of this world, the Church’s trial is under circumstances unfavorable to
righteousness, faith, etc. (2 Pet. 3:7). But this, we have seen, is to be
compensated for in the prize of the glory and honor of the divine nature offered
to the Church, in addition to the gift of everlasting life.
death was sure, though it was reached by nine hundred and thirty years of dying.
Since he was himself dying, all his children were born in the same dying
condition and without right to life (Psalm 51:5); and, like their parents, they
all die after a more or less lingering process. It should be remembered,
however, that it is not the pain and suffering in dying, but death—the
extinction of life—in which the dying
culminates, that
is the penalty of sin. The suffering is only incidental to it, and the penalty
falls on many with but little or no suffering. It should further be remembered
that when Adam forfeited life, he forfeited it forever; and not one of his
posterity has ever been able to expiate his guilt or to regain the lost
inheritance. All the race are either dead or dying. And if they could not
expiate their guilt before death, they certainly could not do it when dead—when
not in existence. The penalty of sin was not simply to die, with the privilege
and right thereafter of returning to life. In the penalty pronounced there was
no intimation of release. (Gen. 2:17) The restitution, therefore, is an
act of free grace or favour on God’s part. And as soon as the penalty
had been incurred, even while it was being pronounced, the free favour of God
was intimated, which, when realized, will so fully declare his love. Had it not
been for the gleam of hope, afforded by the statement that the seed of the woman
should bruise the serpent’s head, the race would have been in utter despair; but
this promise indicated that God had some plan for their benefit. When to Abraham
God swore that in his seed all the families of the earth should be blessed, it
implied a resurrection or restitution of all; for many were then dead, and
others have since died, unblessed. Nevertheless, the promise is still sure: all
shall be blessed when the times of restitution or refreshing shall come. (Acts
3:19) Moreover, since blessing indicates favor, and since God’s favor was
withdrawn and his curse came instead because of sin, this
of a future blessing implied the removal of the curse, and consequently a return
of his favor. It also implied either that God would relent, change his decree
and clear the guilty race, or else that he had some plan by which it could be
redeemed, by having man’s penalty paid by another.
God did not leave Abraham in doubt as to
which was his plan, but showed, by various typical sacrifices which all who
approached him had to bring, that he could not and did not relent, nor excuse
the sin; and that the only way to blot it out and abolish its penalty would be
by a sufficiency of sacrifice to meet that penalty. This was shown to Abraham in
a very significant type: Abraham’s son, in whom the promised blessing centered,
had first to be a sacrifice before he could bless, and Abraham received him from
the dead in a figure. (Heb. 11:19) In that figure Isaac typified the true seed,
Christ Jesus, who died to redeem men, in order that the redeemed might all
receive the promised blessing. Had Abraham thought that the Lord would excuse
and clear the guilty, he would have felt that God was changeable, and therefore
could not have had full confidence in the promise made to him. He might have
reasoned, If God has changed his mind once, why may he not change it again? If
he relents concerning the curse of death, may he not again relent concerning the
promised favor and blessing? But God leaves us in no such uncertainty. He gives
us ample assurance of both his justice and his unchangeableness. He could not
clear the guilty, even though he loved them so much that “he spared not his own
Son, but delivered him up [to death] for us all.” As the entire race was in Adam
when he was condemned, and lost life through him, so when Jesus “gave himself a
ransom for all” his death involved the possibility of an unborn race in his
loins. A full satisfaction, or corresponding price, for all men was thus put
into the hands of Justice—to be applied “in due time,” and he who thus bought
all has full authority to restore all who come unto God by him (1 Cor.
by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by
the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of
life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the
obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” (Rom. 5:18,19) The proposition
is a plain one: As many as have shared death on account of Adam’s sin will have
life-privileges offered to them by our Lord Jesus, who died for them and
sacrificially became Adam’s substitute before the broken law, and thus
“gave himself a ransom for all.” He died, “the just for the unjust, that he
might bring us to God.” (1 Peter 3:18) It should never be overlooked, however,
that all of God’s provisions for our race recognize the human will as a factor
in the securing of the divine favors so
abundantly provided. Some have overlooked
this feature in examining the text just quoted—Rom. 5:18,19. The Apostle’s
statement, however, is that, as the sentence of condemnation extended to all the
seed of Adam, even so, through the obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ to the
Father’s plan, by the sacrifice of himself on our behalf, a free gift is
extended to all—a gift of forgiveness, which, if accepted, will constitute a
justification or basis for life everlasting. And “as by one man’s disobedience
many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one many shall be
[not were] made righteous.” If the ransom alone, without our acceptance
of it, made us righteous, then it would have read, by the obedience of one many
were made righteous.
But though the ransom-price has been given by
the Redeemer, only a few during the Gospel age have been made
righteous—justified—“through faith in his blood.” But since Christ is the
propitiation (satisfaction) for the sins of the whole world, all men may on this
account be absolved and released from the penalty of Adam’s sin by him—under the
New Covenant. There is no unrighteousness with God; hence “If we confess our
sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) As he would have been unjust to have
allowed us to escape the pronounced penalty before satisfaction was rendered, so
also he here gives us to understand that it would be unjust were he to forbid
our restitution, since by his own arrangement our penalty has been paid for us.
The same unswerving justice that once condemned man to death now stands pledged
for the release of all who, confessing their sins, apply for life through
Christ. “It is God that justifieth—who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that
died; yea, rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God,
who also makes intercession for us.” Rom. 8:33,34
The completeness of the ransom is the very
strongest possible argument for the restitution of all mankind who will accept
it on the proffered terms (Rev. 22:17). The very character of God for
justice and honor stands pledged to it; every promise which he has made implies
it; and every typical sacrifice pointed to the great and sufficient
sacrifice—“the Lamb of God, which takes away the SIN OF THE WORLD”—who is “the
propitiation [satisfaction] for our sins [the Church’s], and not for ours only,
but also for the sins of the whole world.” (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2) Since
death is the penalty or wages of sin, when the sin is cancelled the wages must
in due time cease. Any other view would be both unreasonable and unjust. The
fact that no recovery from the Adamic loss is yet accomplished, though nearly
two thousand years have elapsed since our Lord died, is no more an argument
against restitution than is the fact that four thousand years elapsed before his
death a proof that
God had not planned the
redemption before the foundation of the world. Both the two thousand years since
and the four thousand years before the death of Christ were appointed times for
other parts of the work, preparatory to “the times of restitution of all
things.” Let no one hastily suppose that there is in this view anything
in conflict with the teaching of the Scriptures that faith toward God,
repentance for sin and reformation of character are indispensable to salvation.
This feature will be treated more at length hereafter, but we now suggest that
only the few have ever had a sufficiency of light to produce full faith,
repentance and reformation. Some have been blinded in part, and some completely,
by the god of this world, and they must be recovered from blindness as well as
from death, that they, each for himself, may have a full chance to
prove, by obedience or disobedience, their worthiness or unworthiness of life
everlasting. Then those who prove themselves unworthy of life will die again—the
second death—from which there will be no redemption, and consequently no
resurrection (Jeremiah 31:29-30). The death which comes on account of
Adam’s sin, and all the imperfections which follow in its wake, will be removed
because of the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; but the death which comes as
a result of individual, wilful apostasy is final. This sin hath never
forgiveness, and its penalty, the second death, will be everlasting—not
everlasting dying, but everlasting death—a death unbroken by a resurrection.
The philosophy of the plan of redemption
will be treated in a succeeding volume. Here we merely establish the fact that
the redemption through Christ Jesus is to be as far-reaching in its blessed
results and opportunities as was the sin of Adam in its blight and ruin—that all
who were condemned and who suffered on account of the one may as surely, “in due
time,” be set free from all those ills on account of the other (Rom. 5:21).
However, none can appreciate this Scriptural argument who do not admit the
Scriptural statement that death—extinction of being—is the wages of sin. Those
who think of death as life in torment not only disregard the meaning of the
words death and life, which are opposites, but involve themselves
in two absurdities. It is absurd to suppose that God would perpetuate Adam’s
existence forever in torment for any kind of a sin which he could commit, but
especially for the comparatively small offence of eating forbidden fruit. Then,
again, if our Lord Jesus redeemed mankind, died in our stead, became our ransom,
went into death that we might be set free from it, is it not evident that the
death which he suffered for the unjust was of exactly the same kind as that to
which all mankind were condemned? Is he, then, suffering eternal torture for our
sins? If not, then so surely as he died for our sins, the punishment for
our sins was death, and not life in any sense or condition. But, strange to say,
finding that the theory of eternal torture is inconsistent with the statements
that “the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all,” and that Christ “died
for our sins,” and seeing that one or the other must be dropped as inconsistent,
some are so wedded to the idea of eternal torture, and so prize it as a sweet
morsel, that they hold to it regardless of the Scriptures, and deliberately deny
that Jesus paid the world’s ransom-price, though this truth is taught on every
leaf of the Bible.
Is Restitution Practicable?
have supposed that if the billions of the dead were resurrected (Acts 24:15,
Isaiah 26:19), there would not be room for them on the earth; and that if
there should be room for them, the earth would not be capable of sustaining so
large a population. It is even claimed by some that the earth is one vast
graveyard, and that if all the dead were awakened they would trample one upon
another for want of room. This is an important point. How strange it would be if
we should find that while the Bible declares a resurrection for all men, yet, by
actual measurement, they could not find a footing on the earth! Now let us see:
figure it out and you will find this an unfounded fear. You will find that there
is an abundance of room for the “restitution of all,” as “God hath spoken by the
mouth of all his holy prophets.” Let us assume that it is six
thousand years since the creation of man, and that there are fourteen hundred
millions of people now living on the earth. Our race began with one pair, but
let us make a very liberal estimate and suppose that there were as many at the
beginning as there are now; and, further, that there never were fewer than that
number at any time, though actually the flood reduced the population to eight
persons. Again, let us be liberal, and estimate three generations to a century,
or thirty-three years to a generation, though, according to Gen. 5, there
were but eleven generations from Adam to the flood, a period of one thousand six
hundred and fifty-six years, or about one hundred and fifty years to each
generation. Now let us see: six thousand years are sixty centuries; three
generations to each century would give us one hundred and eighty generations
since Adam; and fourteen hundred millions to a generation would give two hundred
and fifty-two billions (252,000,000,000) as the total number of our race from
creation to the present time, according to this liberal estimate, which is
probably more than twice the actual number.
Where shall we find room enough for this great multitude? Let us measure the
land, and see. The State of Texas, United States, contains two hundred and
thirty-seven thousand square miles. There are twenty-seven million eight hundred
and seventy-eight thousand four hundred square feet in a mile, and, therefore,
six trillion six hundred and seven billion one hundred and eighty million eight
thousand (6,607,180,800,000) square feet in Texas. Allowing ten square feet as
the surface covered by each dead body, we find that Texas, as a cemetery, would
at this rate hold six hundred and sixty billion seven hundred and eighteen
million and eighty thousand (660,718,080,000) bodies, or nearly three times as
many as our exaggerated estimate of the numbers of our race who have lived on
the earth. A person standing occupies about one and two-thirds square feet of
space. At this rate the present population of the earth (one billion four
hundred million persons) could stand on an area of eighty-six square miles—an
area much less than that of the city of London or of Philadelphia. And the
island of Ireland (area, thirty-two thousand square miles) would furnish
standing room for more than twice the number of people who have ever lived on
the earth, even at our exaggerated estimate. There is not much difficulty, then,
in settling this objection. And when we call to mind the
prophecy of Isaiah (35:1-6), that the earth shall yield her increase;
that the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; that in the wilderness
shall waters break out, and streams in the desert, we see that God indicates
that he has foreseen all the necessities of his plan, and will make ample
provision for the needs of his creatures in what will seem a very natural way.
Bwe twetegereza enteekateeka ya Katonda,
tukakasa nti enteekateeka ye eri Abantu kwe kulongoosezamu abantu n’ebintu
byonna okutuukirira mukitiibwa kyabyo nga bwekyali mu lusuku Edeni (Ebikolwa
by’Abatume 3:19-23, Ezekyeri 36:35). Obukakafu bwe nteekateeka ya Katonda
eno, bweyongera bwe tutunulira amakulu na’magoba g’Omutango, ogwa webwayo
omuntu Yesu. Era okuza ebintu byonna obugya ku goberera Omutango guno! Katonda
ya teekateeka nti Omutango guno gwa kununula abantu bonna okuva mumaanyi g’okufa
okugyako nga’bantu bajjemedde Nabbi/ Kristo (1 Timusewo 2:6, Ebik. 3:23).
Tweyongera okufuna obukakafu nga twesiga
ebyawandiikibwa era nga Katonda waffe Mulamu (Abebulaniya 11:6) nti:
Abaruumi 5:12, 19-21
“.. Kuba ng’obutawulira bw’omuntu omu oli abangi (bonna ) bwe
baafuuka ababi, bwe kityo n’olwokuwulira kw’oyo omu abangi balifuuka
abatuukirivu. … Ng’ekibi bwe kyafugira mu kufa (kuba bonna bafa), era n’ekisa
bwe kityo kiryoke kifuge olw’obutuukirivu okuweesa obulamu obutaggwaawo, ku bwa
Yesu Kristo Mukama waffe”
Ye, era wano ne tukakasa mu 1 Bakkolinso
15:21-22 nti
“Kubanga okufa bwe kwabaawo ku bw’omuntu, era
n’okuzuukira kw’abafu kwabaawo ku bwa muntu. Kuba bonna
nga bwe baafiira mu Adamu, era bwe batyo mu Kristo bonna mwe balifuukira abalamu.”
Okufa kwa Yesu era n’okuzuukira, kyamuweesa
obuyinza ku bonna abalamu n’abafu era OMUTANGO gwa bonna kitegeeza nti Yesu
wakuwa bonna omukisa era n’akeseera, ngo omuntu agezesebwa — ava mu bubi era
okutuuka mu butuukirivu olw’obulamu obutaggwaawo. Bino byetulaba mu 1 Timusewo
2:3-6, Ebikolwa by’Abatume 3:19-23, Abaruumi 8:19-22 ne Isaaya 65:20; Ye,
“nti era n’ebitonde byennyini (Abantu) nabyo
biriweebwa eddembe okuva mu kufugibwa okuvunda okuyingira mu ddembe
ery’ekitiibwa ky’abaana ba Katonda.”
“Omutango gwabonna” ogwa weebw
“Omuntu Yesu Kristo” teguwa bulamu bwa lubeerera muntu yenna wabula guwa omukisa
ogw’okufuna obulamu obwolubeerera okuyita mu kugesezebwa nga Adamu bwe
yagezesebwa mu lusuku Edeni nga tanayonoona. Era nga Adamu bwe yagezesebwa
okulaga obuwulize obwe nkomeredde eri Katonda, bwe kityo buli muntu wakuweebwa
omukisa ogwo okusobola okubeera omulamu emirembe gyonna. Naye n’ebwekiba nga
abantu bonna baanunulibwa okuva mu kufa n’obujeemu bwa Adamu, tekitegeeza nti
buli muntu wa kufuna obulamu obutaggwaawo nga ateredwa ku kugezesebwa okwo
buwulize eri Katonda, abamu bayinza okulemwa (Yeremiya 31:29-30). Tulaba
nga Abantu mukiseera ky’Omusango oba okugezesebwa kwabwe (Isaaya 65:20-22),
bakuba n’omukisa okusinga ku Adamu kuba bbo bamaze okulega ku mpeera ye’kibi;
kale bwe banaalaba obulungi, nga Yesu afuga mu butuukirivu, balondeko
obutuukirivu era okuba abawulize eri Katonda waabwe ne Kristo (Okubikulirwa
20:6, 5:9-10 ne Ebikolwa by’Abatume 3:19-23). Abalijeema mukiseera ekyo (emyaka
olukumi nga Yesu afuga) okuba abawulize eri Kristo, baakufuna empeera
y’obujeemu- kwe kufa okwo kubiri era tekulina mukisa gwa kuzuukira nate. Tulaba
mukiseera ky’okugezesebwa kwa abantu oba omusango, Mukama atukakasa nti embeera
y’abantu ya kulongooka nnyo era ensi eno ejakuba nga olusuku Edeni (Ezekyeri
36:35, Isaaya 35:1-10, 65:20-25) nti abantu bakulaba okwagala kwa Katonda (Jeremiya
31:31-40): Tebalirwala, tebalummwe njala, so teli ntalo, O, bakusula mu mayumba
gaabwe bo so sikupangisa (Mikka 4:1-5) — Ow’oluganda ogamba otya? Laba Katonda
kenyini alisangula amaziga mu maaso gonna, n’ekivume eky’abantu be alikiggya ku
nsi yonna era abantu ne baatula nti “ Laba, ono ye Katonda waffe;
twamulindiriranga, era alitulokola: Ono ye Mukama, twamulindiriranga,
tulisanyuka tulijaguliza obulokozi bwe” — (Obulokozi
obw’okubiri nga Yesu afuga n’Ekanisa ye,) — Ye, mu BWAKABAKA BWA KRISTO WANO
KUNSI (Okubikulirwa 5:9-10, 20:6, 2 Petero 3:13).
Kale Omutango gwa bonna tegufuula
mwonoonyi mutuukirivu wabula nga bwetulabye guwa buli muntu omukisa okuva mu
kibonyobonyo eky’olubereberye (ekibi kya Adamu n’okufa) era buli muntu
okugezesebwa — okulaga obuwulize oba obujeemu okusobola okufuna obulamu
obutaggwaawo. Mukiseera ekyo Satani ne bamalayika be bakusibibwa okumala emyaka
lukumi, era oluvanjuma wa kusumululwa akaseera katono okuddamu okulimba abantu —
Wewaliba okwawula Embuzi okuva mu Ndiga.
Naye mukiseera kino, waliwo abantu abatono (Ebikolwa by’Abatume 15:14) abali
mukugezesebwa oba nga basaanidde okufuga ne Kristo n’okuweebwa obulamu
obutaggwaawo era ye Kanisa ya Krisito eteekebwateekebwa okufuga mu butuukirivu
emyaka olukumi wano ku nsi (Okub. 5:9-10, 20:6). Bano ab’olubatu (Matayo
13:10-17) bawereddwa omukisa era bbo baafuna omugaso gw’omutango mu kiseera kino,
ng’Obwakabaka te bunafuga — kuba n’Obwakabaka buteegekedwa bbo nga Bakabaka era
mu Bwakabaka bwa Katonda. Era baganda baffe abatusooka kye baateegeeza nti
“... Kubanga okutunuulira ennyo okw’ebitonde kulindirira okubikulirwa kw’abaana
ba Katonda” (Abaruumi 8:18-22). Omutango gwa Yesu gubika ku bunafu n’obubi
bw’abagoberezi be, bw’ekityo ne basobola okuwaayo ebitundu bye mibiri gyabwe
okuba Saddaaka entukuvu ekirizibwa mu maaso ga Kitaffe Katonda, era okula okuba
nga Mukama waffe Kristo. Kino kituukibwako olwo kukiriza okwenkomeredde kwe
balina eri Yesu Krisito era ne baweebwa obutukirivu bwa buwa!! (Abaruumi 5:1-3).
Nga Ekanisa ewedde okulondebwa (Ebik. 15:14, Abaruumi 8:19) banno abalonde ba
Katonda era abaana be ab’omukisa; ba kwegatta ne mugandawaabwe omubereberye Yesu
Kristo; era wamu bakutandika Obwakabaka era ne mu bwakabaka buno bakuwa abantu
omukisa n’obulamu obutaggwaawo — Guno gwe mulimu omukulu ogwo kuyitibwa kwabwe
era tugulaba mu Kubikkulirwa 22:17 “Era Omwoyo n’omugole boogeera nti
Jjangu. Naye awulira ayogera nti Jjangu. Naye alina ennyonta ajje: ayagala
atwale amazzi ag’obulamu buwa.” Amazzi ag’obulamu ge gogerwako mu 1
Timusewo 2:4, Abeffeso 5:25-27, Yokana 17:17 — AMAZIMA, kye kigambo kya Katonda
era y’emmere ddala ddala ennamu (Matayo 4:4, Yokana 6:63) — obuwulize eri
Katonda, n’empeera y’obuwilize Obulamu obutaggwaawo.
Tukirabye mu 1 Abakolinso 15:22 nti
Bonna nga bwe bafiira mu Adamu (abaana abato, bajjajaffe abafa nga Muteesa
tanayita bangereza kuleeta ddiini, ate abaafa nga Yesu tanazaalibwa ku nsi,
abatafunye mukisa kuwulira ku Yesu, wewaawo abazibiddwa amaaso omulangira wo
mubw’engula) bwekityo Bonna bakubeera balamu mu Kristo (Bakuweebwa
omukisa ogwo bawulire ku Njiri — ebigambo by’obulamu era g’emazzi amalamu;
mu Bwakabaka bwa Kristo era gwe Omusango!)

“A Plan of Ages, which he formed for the
ANOINTED Jesus our Lord”
— Eph. 3:11, Emp. Diag.
“Write down the Vision and make it plain upon tables that every
one may read it fluently.”
— Hab. 2:2-3 L.T.
The 3 Worlds
— 2 Peter 3:5-13
to All Christians from all
GWA BAIBULI nga gwabwerere!
You can write to us or Call us:
Uganda Bible Students,
P.O. Box 28734 Kampala,
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 Or 0776
FIND THE TRUTH ! … John 17:17
Math.25:6: “Behold the Bridegroom …”
Why does God permit Evil/ Satan to do
(Lwaki Katonda owekisa aleka Satan okukola
The Most Holy Faith — the Faith which was
delivered to all Saints.
(Okukkiriza okutukuvu enyo - Okwaweebwa
abatukuvu ba Katonda.)
The study of Bible Covenants.
(Okuyiga Endagaano Za Katonda mu baibuli)
Church History— The Seven Churches and
Seven Angels; Rev. 2
(Ekanisa Omusanvu ne
Bamalayika baazo Musanvu
Okubikkulirwa 2)
The Armageddon & The End of the World.
(Olutalo ddekabusa era
olwenkomerero y’ensi)
Tongues, Miracles, Visions and Prophesying.
(Ebyamagero, Okulabikirwa, Okwogera mu nnimi
era n’Obwanabbi)
The TRUE Christian Baptism!
(Okubatizibwa okuli mu byawandikibwa, okw’amazima.)
And many others (Nebirala)!!!!
Desiring to obtain God’s blessing but indifferent in doing His will results in
failure. Serving and improving the life conditions of your fellow men towards
God, is one source of God’s blessing. Therefore, desiring to spread God’s
Message of life but thinking you are too busy with work of whatever sort, poor
to give financial support as you may not have enough for food, or you are not
talented to speak, or feeling bodily imperfection that a person may ask you what
you can not explain; yes in whatever form of constraint: We advise you to
consider the many and varied opportunities the LORD of heaven has placed before
you to serve your fellow men and women; Example, obtain copies of this monthly
Newsletter — look at People interested in God’s word around you; at work place,
home, neighbors, at your church, sending a copy to mother, father, friends &
relatives in different places of the Country. Those who could promote this work
in other right way, the opportunity stands. Yes, how refreshing and motivating
you may contribute to changing Peoples lives, and yourself be God’s righteous
Servant in the belief of Christ and the TRUTH.
Growth in faith is
a desired state of Christian for desired fruitage of Christ likeness; But this
must be in line with the will of God as expressed in 1 Thess. 5:21 KJV — “Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good.” In line with this exhortation we
advise all who are earnest students of Scriptures and our Newsletter, to prove
all our studies with the only standard given by God (Isaiah 34:16) and please
communicate to us! It is also, our privilege to share the message of God’s love
with others; hence we advise those who received the first publications to share
them with God’s People.
Christ’s Kingdom is a monthly
Publication by Uganda Bible Students:
enquiries and subscriptions to be addressed to:
The Editor, Christ’s Kingdom, P. O. Box 28734, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: (+256) 753 116202 / 0776 116202.
You can visit for more on
Bible studies.